Do Dogs Have A Soul? Everything You Need To Know!

It is said that dogs can see people’s aura and that their sensations are more sensitive than any other animal. But is it really true, do dogs have souls?
Do dogs have a soul?  Everything you need to know!

It is said that dogs can see people’s aura and that their sensations are more sensitive than any other animal. But is it really true, do dogs have souls ?

In this article we will try to answer that question.

Do dogs have a soul? The religious opinion

Until a few years ago, the Church and many of the believers believed that animals in general have no souls.

However, two of the last three Popes (John Paul II and Francisco I) have changed this view and confirmed that, as living beings, they have “reserved” a place in heaven.

Many priests and pastors encourage Christians to go to mass with their pets. This is not necessarily because the dogs are more and more considered family members. Rather, it is confirmed by the clergy that pets have a soul like humans.

The Catholic Church has recognized that these beings help lonely, depressed or sick people and are therefore worthy of Heaven. Of course, not everyone thinks that way about the question … Do dogs have souls ?

John Paul II took the first “step” by confirming that “animals have received a breath of life from God”, which clearly refers to the soul. According to him, the debate between theologians, believers, ecologists and atheists soon began.

Do dogs have a soul: the opinion of the owner

By that time – early 1990s – the controversy had gripped some of the media. With headlines like “The Pope opens heaven to the animals” or “The beasts also have a soul like men”.

Karol Wojtila, better known as John Paul II , later stated that his statements were based on the scriptures. It is a reminder that humans must show solidarity with all living beings without distinguishing between humans and animals.

Over time, that news disappeared from the headlines and this controversial statement slumbered for nearly two decades. Until Pope Francis said: “The afterlife is not only a gift for believers but also for animals.”

The position of the Pope – who got his name from St. Francis of Assisi of all places, the patron saint of animals and nature – was very clear when he said: “Heaven is open to all creatures. There they will receive the love and joy of God without limitation. “

Do dogs have souls and go to heaven?

Beyond the Catholic religion, it is interesting to know what other creeds have to say about it.

For example, Buddhism affirms that those who misbehave will be reborn as an animal in their next life.

Islam points out that one must have mercy on all living beings. And in Judaism there is an urge to treat animals with compassion.

However, nobody answers the question of whether dogs have souls?

Do dogs have a soul? Theological opinion

In order to be able to analyze this statement further, we have to consider what the behavior of this living being, that is, your pet, is like. As has already been stated several times, dogs cannot distinguish between good and bad.

It is right that after doing something, they appear remorseful, especially when punished. But at that moment they had no particular moral judgment.

The dog behaved this way because it was guided by instinct, experience, or habit … not by deliberation and much less by soul.

On the other hand , it’s good to hear the opinion of pet owners. These claim that animals have a soul similar to that of a child. This is thanks to his kindness, his faithfulness and his unconditional devotion.

So if dogs have souls … do they go to heaven when they die? A children’s film said yes and that comforts us when we have lost our best friend.

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