The Mini Dwarf Rabbit: Characteristics And Care

Due to its behavior and its small size, this rabbit can be kept almost anywhere and it is also quite easy to care for.
The mini dwarf rabbit: characteristics and care

The mini dwarf rabbit may be fashionable right now, but until recently little was known about its characteristics and how best to care for it.

If you are considering adopting one or two of these quirky contemporaries, do some research on their attitudes beforehand. You can find out a little more in our article.

Everything you need to know about the miniature rabbit


Because of its small size, the mini dwarf rabbit is the ideal pet. It doesn’t take up a lot of space as it is 50 cm or less and weighs around 1.5 kg.

Its size appears to be due to a lack of growth hormones, but that doesn’t affect this bumblebee’s overall health.

Compared to other rabbits, its ears and snout are shorter and its body more compact. Its fur is also shorter and the most common colors are white, black, gray and brown.

Mini dwarf rabbits in the meadow

Character and personality

They are nimble and playful, but also a little independent. However, there are also many mini dwarf rabbits that share similar character traits to dogs, both in terms of obedience and other aspects.

They can be very nervous, which is why neutering is recommended unless you plan to breed rabbits. This calms them down and enables them to be more sociable. It also soothes their territorial instinct, which they normally express through dumplings and urine.

They ca n’t stand noise, so they have to live in a quiet home. But even there they need a little corner for themselves, in which they can withdraw if everything gets too much for them.

Also high places were not exactly find great. So don’t hold your miniature rabbit too high when you hold it in your arms. Otherwise it could be scared and maybe even bite you!

Mini dwarf rabbits with Easter egg

Keeping the mini dwarf rabbit

Because of its special character, size and the aforementioned fears, the mini dwarf rabbit has certain needs. Here we list a few of them that you should be aware of.

  • Brush his fur. It only has short fur, but it is very fine and silky, which is why it can get tangled up quickly.
  • Give him a species-appropriate place. Not only does it have to be clean and fresh, but it should also be in a quiet part of the house so that the rabbit can live relaxed.
  • Take care of his eyes. It doesn’t have long fur, but it can still get in the eyes. Tears can also get stuck in the fur around the eyes. Check his eyes daily so that he can see for a long time.
  • Outlet. Rabbits are naturally nervous animals. This is why getting enough exercise is so important for your wellbeing. This will keep you balanced, fit and healthy.
  • Hay. Provide them with caged hay as a dietary supplement.
  • Lining. While miniature rabbits can eat a lot of vegetables, it is important that you buy them special foods from pet stores that are tailored to their needs.
  • Bath. Rabbits usually clean themselves in a similar way to cats, so there is no need to bathe them. If yours gets very dirty for any reason, you can clean it with a damp cloth.
  • Ears. Check the ears as often as possible. Mini-dwarf rabbits are smaller than ordinary rabbits, but they hang. That makes them a perfect home for fungi and bacteria.
  • Vaccination. Rabbits need to be vaccinated regularly. Get advice from your vet and never miss an appointment!

Closing word

The mini dwarf rabbit is a great companion. The keeping is not particularly complicated, and besides, they are quiet and clean.

If you decide to adopt one, follow our tips and enjoy living with your new roommate!

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