Anemia In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

The causes of anemia in cats are different and each one needs specific treatment. Learn more about this topic!
Anemia in cats: symptoms and treatment

Not only humans but also animals can suffer from anemia, which is caused by a reduced number of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Learn more about anemia in cats today .

The red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues and are therefore fundamental. In the case of anemia, there is also a lack of hemoglobin, a pigment that is able to bind oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules.

There are several causes of anemia in cats and each one needs its own specific treatment. Find out today how this clinical picture is usually treated. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a veterinarian, who will also initiate the appropriate treatment.

How can you recognize anemia?

In general , the clinical symptoms of anemia are fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, and pale mucous membranes. Weight loss can also occur and some cats have respiratory problems, but these can also be linked to other illnesses. The development of the disease depends on the cause.

As a diagnosis, the vet will have a blood test done to check the number of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) and the pigment hemoglobin.

If your red blood cell levels are below the minimum limit set for cats, then you have anemia. However, the blood count only confirms the anemia, not its cause.

Anemia in cats

Causes of anemia in cats

There are several ways to classify the types of anemia in cats, depending on the cause or response of the body. Depending on whether the bone marrow can reproduce new red blood cells or not, anemia is classified as:

  • Regenerative anemia: the animal loses more red blood cells than the bone marrow can produce.
  • Non-regenerative anemia: the bone marrow has stopped producing red blood cells. This type of anemia is more severe and has a serious prognosis. It is usually associated with kidney, endocrine, and immune disorders. Bacteria of the genus Ehrlichia or Hemobartonella can also cause anemia.

Treatment of anemia in cats

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, which is diagnosed by the veterinarian. However, if you are dealing with a severe case of anemia, your cat may need a blood transfusion to stabilize its condition.

The transfusion ensures an immediate supply of red blood cells. As with humans, the donor’s blood must be compatible with that of the patient.

Treatment of anemia

If the anemia is caused by a lack of nutrients, improving your diet is enough. Either way, your vet will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.

Can you prevent anemia?

If your pet develops a disease that affects red blood cell production and there are no symptoms, it will be difficult to prevent. For this reason, regular veterinary examinations are important.

On the other hand, you can control certain factors that will keep your pet in good health:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced, and complete diet. Food from the supermarket is usually not recommended. The best thing to do is to buy it in a specialty store. Check the composition of the food to make sure that it really contains all the important nutrients.
  • Treat your cat for external parasites every month and deworm them every three months to prevent internal parasites. It is very important that the antiparasitic drugs are specific to cats. The anti-parasite products for dogs contain substances that are extremely toxic to cats.
  • Vaccinate your cat against infectious diseases. Leukemia and Feline Immune Deficiency may be related to anemia in cats; There are vaccinations for both diseases. If your cat is not vaccinated, you need to be careful when it comes into contact with other cats.

Now you know that anemia can hide other serious illnesses. Take your velvet paw to the vet if you notice the symptoms mentioned. It  is very important to find out the cause. If the veterinarian confirms the diagnosis, he will initiate appropriate treatment.

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