How Do You Protect The Bones And Joints Of Dogs?

Of course, we cannot prevent our animal friends from suffering from certain ailments as they age. But with the right precautionary measures, you can definitely ensure that it doesn’t get that bad.
How do you protect dog bones and joints?

Age, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and poor diet are some of the reasons our dogs can have bone and joint problems.

Of course, we cannot prevent our animal friends from suffering from certain ailments as they get older. But with the right precautionary measures, you can definitely ensure that it doesn’t get that bad.

Then learn how you can take care of the  bones  and joints of your faithful companion. 

Why is it important to take care of your dog’s bones and joints?

A well-groomed dog has it easier with age. It is therefore worth strengthening your bones and joints early on. Because over time they wear out and rub against each other,  which can lead to severe pain.

This of course also makes  walking more difficult and your dog can only do a few activities. This in turn leads to the fact that he gains weight, which puts additional strain on the joints.


How do you protect a dog’s bones and joints?

The following tips can help you to take care of the bones and joints of your furry friend:

  • Watch his weight. Obesity is one of the main reasons bones and joints wear out. The best way to avoid this is to not feed your pet more food than it needs.
  • Buy quality food. Although there is a large selection of food for our dogs on the market, you should pay particular attention to the quality. In the long term, the health of your favorite animal will thank you.
  • Opt for the BARF diet. If you think the commercial food is not a good option, the BARF diet offers great benefits as you can also choose foods high in collagen, such as bones with bone marrow.
  • Movement. Exercise is important to keep your dog’s bones and joints healthy. A short walk for a walk is not enough, dogs need exercise and exercise. At least one of the three walks should therefore be longer. Not only can you prevent obesity, but also prevent joint atrophy.

Another tip

  • Food supplements. Veterinary stores have a wide variety of nutritional supplements for the care of bones and joints. See your veterinarian for advice. They can tell you the exact amount and the best supplements to help protect your dog’s health.

    Dog pill

    If you always take good care of your dog, it will be easier for him to get older. It is your responsibility to take care of his or her health. And the earlier you start, the better the results.

    Remember that food is crucial. Pay attention to quality and quantity! There are special foods for strong bones and joints.  They are a bit more expensive, but in the long run it will be worth it!

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