Grooming And Keeping A Large Dog

Keeping a large dog requires certain grooming, which includes diet, hygiene, exercise, and discipline.
Grooming and Owning a Large Dog

Dogs are very different, both the different breeds and the sizes and shapes that they are. It should be noted that the care and maintenance of a large dog is sometimes different from that of a small one.

Tips for Grooming and Owning a Large Dog

Depending on the stage of life our fur nose is in, it needs a number of different care measures. A puppy has different needs than an adult or aging dog.

The puppy stage is fundamental to the animal’s subsequent growth, health and development. Therefore, when keeping a large dog as a puppy, you have to make sure that it is receiving adequate nutrition and that it is exercising appropriate for its dimensions.


The diet is quite similar for most breeds when keeping a large dog, whether it is dry or wet food. However, one has to consider the specific needs of each individual case and also know that the diet changes with age.

In pet shops there are also certain types of feed, depending on the needs of the animal. If you have any doubts, your vet is best advised to give you advice.

Fitness and hygiene

Proper hygiene from puppy age is also an important factor that does not always get the necessary attention. By hygiene we mean not only the dog bath, but also the cleaning of ears and eyes and of course the necessary care of the claws and teeth.

Regular bathing is part of keeping a large dog

Fitness is not only necessary, but really fundamental from the puppy age. It helps the dog get rid of energy, but also helps the dog to socialize with others.

You also have to be aware that every breed has its own characteristics. A Nordic dog, such as a malamut, has different needs than a dog from a more temperate climate zone, such as perhaps the Spanish greyhound.

To elaborate on these two examples a little further, one must know that the malamut is a dog that belongs to the Nordic sled dog category. He is resilient and calm, but also a very social animal. However, this also means that it is not a particularly good guard dog, as it neither barks nor growls.

The Spanish greyhound, on the other hand, is an indispensable companion for hunters. This fast and agile dog is quite resilient, but his sense of smell is not as well developed. It has been known on the Iberian Peninsula since the ninth century when it was introduced to the country by the Arabs.

Required Care When Owning a Large Dog

Grooming when keeping a large dog

Among the different breeds of large dogs, there is one factor that affects how they groom. Nordic dogs have a thick, firm coat that requires frequent grooming.

Brushes for the German Shepherd

In order for the dog’s coat to be healthy and shiny, three basic care measures are required. They consist of an appropriate diet, frequent brushing with a special brush that varies depending on the breed of dog, and regular baths that keep the coat clean and gentle.

Various games for fitness

All of these dogs need to exercise a lot to get rid of the huge amounts of energy they have. These dogs were usually used for various types of work in the past. These include guard dogs, shepherds, sled dogs – such as the husky – or hunting dogs.

Long daily walks and places to run freely are part of the fitness regimen when keeping a large dog. Nowadays, classic games are combined with those that encourage fur noses.

There are various games that were invented to motivate dogs. The best known are probably the ball or the frisbee game, but of course you can also do many other activities with your dog.

Beagle with frisbee on the beach

Dogs prefer to play with a stick or other dogs. There are also activities to stimulate their senses, such as playing hide and seek, which requires the dog to strain its nose.

Agility training with an obstacle course can also be appropriate. Both the dog and the caregiver burn a lot of calories while having a lot of fun together.


All of the aforementioned aspects – nutrition, hygiene and fitness – have to be combined with obedience training. Regardless of the breed, dogs need discipline from an early age so that they can hear well and know how to behave as adults. Therefore, discipline is one of the principles of keeping a large dog.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget the petting that the animal needs. They are very loyal beings who love to be pampered by their caregivers. But that doesn’t mean you can forget about discipline. Affection and discipline are not opposites here.

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