Why Do Dogs Have Spots Under Their Eyes?

It is common to see dogs have spots under their eyes. You may have noticed that your pet didn’t have them while it was a puppy, but that they did show up over time. What are these spots under the eyes? Can they be removed? Here we are talking about them.
Why do dogs have spots under their eyes?

The constant watering of the eyes causes the tear ducts to become clogged, resulting in eye overflow. Allergies, infections, age, and race can also affect the spots under the eyes.

It is common to see dogs have spots under their eyes . You may have noticed that your pet didn’t have them while it was a puppy, but that they did show up over time. What are these spots under the eyes? Can they be removed? Here we are talking about them.

Why do dogs have spots under their eyes?


The main cause of spots under the eyes is constant watering of the eyes. This can be caused by a blockage in the tear ducts. There are many breeds born with this symptom that do not allow the tears to be stopped. The eyes fill up and the liquid stays in the eye, causing it to overflow.

This problem in the lacrimal glands means that the animal has watery and moist eyes all the time and that they water constantly, which creates the unsightly spots under the eyes.


Allergies are another major cause of under-eye spots. These can be cutaneous in origin or caused by food. An allergy always makes the eyes swell and water, as happens with us. This constant tearing causes the spots under the eyes.


An eye infection in your dog can cause suppuration and tears, which can also cause spots under the eyes. It might look like an infection, but your dog may have something in mind that is hurting him. Examine his eye carefully, and if it’s too complicated for you, don’t touch it. It is better to see a doctor.

Spots under the eyes - eye examination


As puppies grow, their tears become more acidic, which encourages the appearance of very unsightly red spots under their eyes.

The same thing happens in older dogs, along with the fact that their lacrimal glands are even more clogged than they were when they were young.

The race

Some breeds have a tendency to be born with blocked tear ducts or small eyelids. This means that they are using too much force when moving and do not allow the tears to drain well.

On the other hand, there are breeds that have a lot of hair around their eyes. These can get into the eyeball and cause constant tearing, leading to the dreaded spots under the eyes.

What can you do about spots under the eyes?

Stains under the eyes - clean eyes

There are several things you can do if your dog has spots under his eyes. Some of them are:

  • Clean up the area. Cleaning the area under your dog’s eyes every day is the best way to prevent the acid from the tears from building up, and this way, over time, the area will clear again. Although a damp cotton pad is enough, you can occasionally clean the area with a little hydrogen peroxide. Make sure, however, that it doesn’t get into his eyes.
  • Cut the fur around his eyes. For those breeds who have a lot of hair near their eyes, it is the best idea to trim them to avoid blemishes. If you’re cleaning the area but can’t get the stains off under the eyes, you can also gradually cut off the excess hair until it returns to its original color.
  • Swap his bowl. Some dogs have allergies to plastic and we are not aware of this. If you can’t find another reason your dog is watering, this may be the cause. Swap the containers he eats and drinks from. Use stainless steel bowls and see if the tears stop.
  • Filtered water. Sometimes we forget that tap water does the same harm to our pets as it does us. Try giving him filtered or purified water, which will produce a lower excess of minerals in your body and make your tears less aggressive.

You can clean the area daily with a homemade solution of water and sea salt. This will lessen the intensity of the spots. If you have patience, you can get rid of them completely. Do not give up!

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