Pit Bulls Were Rescued From Very Bad Conditions

According to recent news, around 40 dogs of this breed were found in very poor conditions in an abandoned house in Lake Mathews, Canada.
Pit bulls were rescued from very poor conditions

Among the breeds most likely to be featured in some violent episodes is the American pit bull terrier. They are better known as pit bulls, which in this case were abandoned pit bulls in very poor conditions.

Mixing up races, abandoned pit bulls

This breed is often confused with others, such as the American Staffordshire Terrier. With them, this breed of dog shares its origin, but differs in terms of standard and selection criteria.

We should also not confuse the pit bulls with the Staffordshire bull terrier (companion breed and smaller), neither the English bull terrier nor the boxer.

As for their uses, pit bulls are currently used in narcotics detection, security services and as pets. In various countries they are considered to be potentially dangerous.

40 pit bulls were rescued from very poor conditions

Pit bulls were rescued from very bad conditions - pit bull

There are times when dogs surprise us that we think are very dangerous. In this case, they were abandoned and were in a  state of abuse and vulnerability.

According to recent news, around 40 dogs of this breed were found in very poor conditions in an abandoned house in Lake Mathews, Canada .

This house belonged to a well-known criminal who was jailed for drug trafficking. He was the one who left the pit bulls to their fate.

The neighborhood discovered the condition of the abandoned animals. They alerted animal welfare after they noticed the bad smells. When they arrived, they found the dogs in incredibly poor conditions. Many of them had died and others could not even move because of their weakness.

Tips to save an abandoned dog

If we find an abandoned or abandoned dog on the street, we will crouch on its height. We will keep a safe distance and try to whistle to him and speak to him in a low tone.

If the abandoned animal agrees, we will stroke it and offer it our hand first so it can sniff at us. Remember to never stroke the animal by placing your hand on its head.

The ideal is to stroke it from the bottom up. The animal may have suffered humiliation and beatings and therefore fear will instill in our hand from above.

We will not make any sudden movements or actions. We will always move slowly and stay in sight, do nothing behind the dog because that will give him a lot of uncertainty.

If we intend to get the abandoned animal to a vehicle, it is best to get it to follow us. But if we can’t do that, we could try to wear it, but always with the utmost care and by looking him in the face. That will give him confidence and on the other hand we can see his gestures and reactions.

If your presence makes the animal nervous or has doubts about your intentions, it is best to move it away from streets where it can run away and have an accident.

A leash for abandoned animals. What to do after we take her

Pit bulls were rescued from very poor conditions - house

If you have a leash with you, you can try putting it on him, but be careful. If you notice the dog getting nervous, the leash is not a good idea. It can be worse because he can get aggressive, twist the chain, injure himself, or bite you.

Once the animal is with you, you need to move it to a safe place. If there are pets in your house, don’t bring them together right away as you don’t know their background. Remember, even if the dog was not aggressive towards you, you do not know if the dog is sick or aggressive with other animals.

For the first few moments you should give him food and water, watch him defecate and urinate, make sure his stool or urine is free of blood. You can let a few hours pass before you take your four-legged friend to the vet. In this way you will have prior knowledge about the animal and you can answer the questions that the specialist will ask you.

It is very important that you gain the abandoned animal’s trust. In this way it will feel it all its life and will remember in its own way that you helped it and it will be grateful to you for it.

As soon as you make sure that the dog is completely healthy and the vet authorizes you to do so, you can begin to integrate him into the “company” of the other animals. You can play with him, put him on a leash to get used to, start socializing, etc.

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