What To Do In A Dog Fight?

Most of the dog fights could be prevented if owners observe the animals early. 
What to do in a dog fight

scuffle  between dogs can be dangerous and have serious consequences. In this situation, action must be taken quickly and correctly, which is not always easy. It is therefore important to be prepared for this, as a scuffle  can often come unexpectedly  .

The following tips can help you to react quickly and correctly in this situation. 

How can you stop a dog brawl?

keep Calm

Dog fight

You have an advantage because in this situation you can think rationally in order to separate the animals. Keep calm, because the argument usually only lasts a few seconds.

Try to scare or distract the dogs, but never intervene with your own hands as this could be painful.

Use water

If you have the opportunity to splash water on the dogs, do it.  This distracts the dogs and stops the brawl.

This is a very useful method. We recommend that you always take a bottle of water with you when you take a walk in the park or other places where many other dogs are, which can be used in an emergency.

Find a barrier

As mentioned earlier, you shouldn’t put your hands around, but you can place a stick, cardboard box, or other object between the dogs to help separate them.

Use a blanket

Throwing a blanket over the dogs will cause them to become disoriented and give you a chance to catch your dog. Of course, nobody has a blanket with them when they go out on the street, but you could prepare a small backpack with the most important things for your walks and also pack a blanket.

Pull on the tail

Dogs hate being pulled by the tail.  They will turn around when this happens, you can distract the dog, but be careful because the dog may snap at you!

Use your legs

If you have sturdy shoes, you can bump into one of the dogs to force them to release the pressure. Under no circumstances should you kick or injure the dogs. Try to disturb their concentration and distract them.

Be careful because if the dogs are very large it could be a potential danger of getting hurt yourself.

Pay attention

Dogs in a fight

Most of the dog fights could be prevented if owners observe the animals early. When there is danger, it is best to avoid it. When approaching a snarling or barking dog, change direction!

Always be vigilant and watch possible dangers in order to get away in time. Put your dog on a leash, especially if you know he may be aggressive. When you let your dog run, make sure there are no aggressive dogs in the area.

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