How A Signal Dog Changes The Life Of A Deaf Child

Among the many tasks that utility and service dogs take on for us humans is the help they offer people with different types of disabilities – both physical and mental. Today we share how a signal dog changes the life of a deaf child.
How a signal dog changes the life of a deaf child

We can affirm, without fear of being mistaken, that dogs are great playmates for our children. They help make the little ones healthier, happier people who are also more sensitive and responsible. Furthermore, these noble living beings can also prove to be a fundamental instrument for improving a health problem. It doesn’t matter whether the problem is physical, mental or emotional. Today we share how a signal dog changes the life of a deaf child.


Find out how a signal dog can change the life of a deaf child

Signal dog with child

Among the many tasks that service or utility dogs take on is that of the signal dog.  These animals are trained to help children with auditory disabilities in a variety of ways until they eventually become the children’s “ears”.

It is therefore not unreasonable to say that a signal dog changes the life of a deaf child. One should thank this guardian angel on four paws for the following help, for example:

  • The child becomes more self-determined and independent.
  • His socialization is improving.
  • The child can do more at school and behave better


In addition, the child’s family can feel reassured and safe because they know

that the signal dog takes care of the child and protects it at all times.

What is the work of a signal dog?

Signal dogs trained to support the life of a deaf child are trained to:

  • Recognize the alarm function of the clock and transform yourself into the best alarm clock for children.
  • Point out various noises: doorbell, telephone, loudspeaker, alarm systems, etc.
  • Let the child know that their parents are calling them.
  • Warn the child of various possible dangers.

That being said, the signal dog will become the child’s best playmate.

Selection and training of the signal dog

It is well known that, along with smell, hearing is the dog’s most developed sense. Humans know how to use the dog’s ability to give deaf people a better quality of life.

Signal dogs are trained after the socialization process to fully develop their auditory skills.

Usually breeds are chosen that are obedient, friendly and have stable nerves to cope with various situations. These include:

  • Cocker spaniel
  • poodle
  • Labrador

However, mixed breed dogs can also easily be trained to do this type of work.

Assistance dogs, great allies for people with disabilities

Signal dogs that support people with auditory disabilities are among the so-called assistance or rehabilitation dogs, which are  trained to provide physical and psychological help to people with disabilities. For example:

  • Guide dogs for the blind that accompany blind people.
  • Medical warning dogs that warn of a certain clinical condition (hypoglycaemia, epileptic convulsions, etc.)
  • Service dogs that have been trained to help people with specific physical or motor problems.

Dogs are good for us

Signal dog for children

No child should grow up without a pet. The various physical, psychological and emotional benefits that our children enjoy when they grow up with a pet have been explained many times in the articles by Deine Tiere.

We can’t repeat enough that a child with a furry friend is just happier.  And that doesn’t matter whether the child is completely healthy or has a physical or mental problem.

Therefore we humans should not stop for a moment to be grateful for all the positives that these animals bring us. They even manage to improve the life of a deaf, blind, or otherwise disabled child.

So never forget to reward your four-pawed friend for what dogs have done for humanity since our fates met more than forty million years ago.

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