Tips For Breeding Canaries

There are several factors to consider here. The couple needs a special cage. First you should build in a partition. That is why every canary needs its own drinking and feeding bowl. You also have to provide them with material for making the nest.
Tips for breeding canaries

Canaries have lived with us for a long time. For years they have been delighting us with their singing and they are also kept as pets. There are many people who even devote themselves to breeding canaries. They either do this as a hobby or sometimes as professional growers.

Tips for breeding canaries at home

To start breeding canaries at home, one must follow a few simple steps:

The cage

Even if you already own a bird , its cage will not be sufficient for breeding canaries. There are special cages for this in specialist shops.

These have a partition in the middle. So the birds are separated and cannot see each other. But you hear each other very well.

Cage for the canary

This partition consists of 2 parts. One of them is opaque, the other has bars. Both play an important role in the breeding of canaries, as we will explain to you in more detail later.

Select the birds

Once you have purchased a suitable cage with partitions, you need to select the birds that you want to start breeding with. 

Keep in mind that their physical characteristics also affect the boys. Color, elegance and shape play a role here.

You know that canaries vary in shape and color. So you have to be clear about which young birds you want to have.

Canary couple

Prepare everything necessary

Prepare everything for nest building before introducing  the birds to each other. Also keep in mind that you now need to provide two drinking bowls, food bowls, and any other items a bird might need.

  • Also , keep in mind that the female needs calcium to lay eggs.
  • The young need porridge so that they can be fed. 

So if you prepare properly and have everything you need to hand before introducing the animals to each other, then breeding canaries is sure to be successful.

Support them during the heat season

First you need the above-mentioned partitions,  both the opaque and the ones with bars.

Let the birds live side by side for about 10 or 15 days,  separated from each other . They can only hear each other but not see one another. This triggers a need in them to be together.

After this phase, it is time to remove the opaque partition and leave only the partition with the bars. 

Now they can see each other, but not touch. Give them another 10 to 15 days to do this.

During this time, you should provide the female animal with the feed for the young so that she can get used to it.

Now it is time!

Now that a month has passed, take out the partition and let the canaries live together. 

Since their desire for each other is already very great, it won’t be long before they mate. The mating phase, which ends when the eggs are laid, takes about 2 weeks.

Make sure that you provide the animals with all the materials they need to build their nests.  This is where the mother lays the eggs. Thats all.

Breeding canaries at home is really not particularly complicated. If you follow these simple steps, you will soon have a nest of canaries!

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