What Basic Training Should Your Puppy Get?

Humanizing them, punishing them, or not giving them a special place in your home are just a few of the things to avoid in your puppy’s basic training.
What basic training should your puppy get?

The first time you have a puppy you may be a little unsure about how to train him. But the worst thing you can do is not give your pup basic training. In addition, there are other pitfalls that you should avoid.

Therefore, in today’s article we want to give you some practical tips that should support you in the basic training of your puppy.

Potential dangers if you don’t give your puppy good basic training

Lack of knowledge or advice from people who are unqualified can lead to serious mistakes in performing basic training with your pup. Here are some of the most common mistakes:


This could be one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you don’t know what a puppy’s basic training should be like. Many people are mistakenly misled to humanize the dog. You talk to him like he’s a baby or leave him on the bed or couch like he’s a child.

Our first advice is this: Your dog is not a person. Therefore, you should treat him for what he is: an animal. Furthermore, humanization is ultimately a disguised form of abuse. Once a dog has been humanized, it is not allowed to express its natural personality. As a result, he is unable to live a balanced and happy life.


Many people still believe that the most effective form of discipline is to yell at and hit a dog. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Positive reinforcement has been shown to produce the best results in basic animal training. Using screaming or hitting as punishment is not only animal abuse, but also completely ineffective if you are trying to teach your pup something.

Basic training - puppy in front of a carpet

If your puppy gets scared, the opposite of what you intend to do will happen. In addition, he could also become aggressive or even develop mental disorders that lead to destructive behavior.

If basic training is lacking, your dog will be unaware of their role in the family

On the other hand, you can’t let your dog do everything he wants. This is not a good idea as it will become increasingly difficult to retrain the dog over time. As the owner, you must therefore make it clear to him what role he plays in the family.

When a pet becomes part of the family, it is important that each family member understand their role. But how should your dog understand you if you don’t show him what to do? You should be the leader. So you have to show him what the rules of the house are.

Things Your Dog Should Learn in Basic Training

Depending on the puppy’s age and the amount of time you can devote to training, there are a few basic things you may need to teach them. These are the main ones:

Where is his sleeping place

Find a place in the house for your puppy to relax. This place should have a little light but not be too bright. In addition, the place should be cool and not damp. In addition, you should choose a bed for the puppy that is tailored to his body size and then show him his dog bed.

Show him that this is his place to sleep and relax, or a retreat to get away from the noise or excitement. You should also encourage the puppy to go to bed when the rest of the family is also going to sleep.

Basic training - sleeping puppy

Basic training of your puppy: its feeding place

A dog’s food and bed are completely separate things and should therefore be in different places. This means that you need to teach your pup where to find their food and water. But don’t worry, he’ll surely remember this place very quickly!

Where he can do his business

This can be the toughest task in basic training. But with a little patience you will surely be successful! Nowadays there are even mats with a certain smell that encourage dogs to do their business there instead of on the floor.

Of course, once the puppy is old enough to go outside and has received all of the vaccinations, you should have three set times a day to take your dog for a walk. That way, he will get used to when he can do his business. Once your puppy is used to doing this outdoors, you can dispose of the mats. But if you leave him home alone a lot, you can keep using them to avoid bad luck.

If you follow these handy tips and avoid the mistakes mentioned, basic training for your new pup should be a breeze!

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