Making Friends With Cats: What Does Science Say?

The cat’s personality is crucial if you want to make friends with it. Then find tips that have been backed up by scientific studies.
Making Friends With Cats: What Does Science Say?

Some cats have a reputation for being unsociable and not getting along with people. Although those who live with cats know that they can be very loving. Scientists have been researching the best ways to make friends with cats.

According to science, how can you make friends with cats?

There have been many scientific studies of animal behavior in recent years. Numerous experiments have been conducted to test their intelligence and their ability to solve problems, including statistics on how to behave towards them.

Today we’re looking at some studies that look at how to make friends with cats . We have compiled a number of scientific findings on how best to approach a cat or how to make life together at home easier.

As is so often the case, science confirms things that most cat lovers already know from their daily dealings with their velvet paws. However, some results are also unexpected and surprising. 

1. Let them take the initiative

Two Swiss studies came to the same conclusion. If you want to make friends with cats, let them come closer and touch you. If you petting the cat before she gives you permission, you are starting this relationship on the wrong foot.

Make friends with cats and stroke them

One of the studies was done with 50 different cats. The animals approached and were less likely to flee if the person sat down and waited for the cat’s initiative. 

The other study showed that cats stayed longer and played with people when they met in this way.

2. If getting to know each other is not going well, give her some space

Cats have very distinctive body language that they use to convey many things to us. However, few people pay attention to the cat’s signals that indicate that it is uncomfortable or upset, such as wagging its tail or big ears.

The results of various studies show that if you respect these signs in a cat and let it go or stop petting it,  it is more likely  to come back and stay longer the next time.

Make friends with cats: heed the warning signs

he cats are loving but independent animals. Too much physical contact usually overwhelms them.  However, if the velvet paw notices that you stop when it no longer likes, it will generally be more likely to accept pats.

3. Play with her

A study of cats in 2017 showed that  cats prefer playing with humans for food.  This research also found that cats prefer to play with people when a toy is in use. The type of toy, however, depends on the cat’s preference.

The cat is a social predator: play is part of its natural instinct. If you play with your cat and give her the opportunity to chase a toy, your relationship with her will be strengthened and her general behavior will improve.

4. Adopt the cat according to your personality

Several statistical studies were carried out on adoption: Interviewed people who adopted adult cats. It was found that the cats are assigned different personalities depending on the color of their coat, although their physical appearance has no influence on their character.

Make friends and play with cats

Another study looked at the lives of people who adopted adult cats. Satisfaction with the behavior and relationship with the animal was significantly higher in cases where the personality of the cat was taken into account prior to its adoption.

Animal rights activists know: For a successful adoption, the personalities of the animal and the person must be taken into account. When in doubt, it is best to eat the cat for a while to get to know it better.

5. Don’t let them go out

A study conducted in Italy showed that  cats who spend all day indoors are more affectionate and docile to people than cats who roam all night or all day.

One of the reasons for this is that cats spend a lot of time outdoors, are nocturnal and sleep during the day instead of spending time with their family. In contrast, cats that are always indoors sleep at night and play with their family during the day.

These examples will show you how to make friends with cats and understand them better. Play with your velvet paw,  but let her decide when she’s had enough of it. And don’t forget to pay more attention to their personality than their looks when adopting!

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