Why Do Dogs’ Eyes Water? Are You Crying?

It is true that animals share certain physiological responses with humans. Do you also do this to express your feelings?
Why do dogs water their eyes?  Are you crying?

The first time you’ve adopted a dog, you may have noticed that his eyes are watering. Of course you didn’t know why or what to do about it. Sometimes things happen to our furry friends that are no longer important. However, it is normal that you still want to be informed. Therefore, today we are getting to the bottom of the question: Why do dogs have water in their eyes?

Why do dogs water their eyes? Are you crying?

You have probably already noticed that your dog is not an isolated incident. All dogs have spots under their eyes.

This shows that her tear fluid is seeping into the fur there.  But why do dogs water their eyes ? Can they actually cry, or is it just a physical function?

We animal lovers are of course sure that dogs, just like all living things, have feelings.

They don’t show it by crying, however. Humans are the only species that express grief through tears.

When we think about what “crying” means, it really is all about the discharge of tears.

Dogs may have water in their eyes, but there is no emotion associated with it. Therefore, dogs’ eyes do not water because they cry, but because it is a natural function of the body.

Weint mein Hund etwa?

So why do dogs’ eyes water?

There are several reasons dog eyes may water:

Clogged bags under the eyes

Many pets are born with a clogged eye sac, which can make their eyes appear tearful.

Since the tear sac cannot expel the tears, they accumulate under the eyelids. There they break out quickly because nothing can hold them back.

This can be corrected with a small operation.  However, many vets advise against it as it will usually re-constipate over time.


The breed of dog can make a difference as it affects how much tear fluid is expelled.

Dogs with big eyes have more tears than those with small ones.  The size of the eye determines how much tear fluid is necessary to keep the eye moist.


Conjunctivitis is often responsible for the increased watering of the eyes. It is easy to notice because the animal looks different.

When the eyes are watery from conjunctivitis, they are red and swollen. The animal then also appears listless.

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Dogs’ eyes can also water from food or other allergies. It is a defense mechanism of the body.

As with conjunctivitis, the animal then has red, irritated eyes. It sneezes and shows other allergy symptoms. 

It is best to bring the fur nose to the vet quickly. He then decides how to solve the case.

What to do if the dog’s eyes water

First, you should wash the animal’s eyes with clean water. Afterward, make  sure that he has nothing in mind  that could cause him to tear.

If this is not the case, a cool chamomile tea or an isotonic saline solution can be the ideal complement to a more thorough cleansing.

Always observe changes in your dog. Acting quickly can sometimes be the best solution.

It is our job to look after our animals and make their lives easier. However, we fill them with joy, don’t we?

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