What Are The Benefits Of Olive Oil For Dogs?

Not a typical dog food, but you should mix a little olive oil into the dog’s food every now and then
What are the benefits of olive oil for dogs?

It is also known as “liquid gold” and is very popular. We’re talking about olive oil which not only tastes wonderful, but is also very healthy. But what are the benefits of  olive oil for dogs ?

Read on to learn some of the benefits olive oil can have for your dog.

What are the benefits of olive oil for dogs?

Olive oil for dogs is considered extremely healthy thanks to its unsaturated fatty acids and high antioxidant content. It can provide your dog with omega 3 and vitamin E, and can increase good cholesterol levels.

In addition, the precious oil helps control bad cholesterol and improves joint and muscle health. It is even said to have anti-cancer effects.

Olive oil for dogs

Despite its many positive properties, you should not give your animal too much, as it has a laxative effect in large quantities.

How Much Olive Oil for Dogs

If your dog doesn’t like the oil, you need to find a way to include it in their diet. Before you start, however, seek advice from your vet, who can tell you the exact amount so as not to endanger your animal.

In general, the following amounts are recommended:

  • Dogs up to 10 kg : half a teaspoon per day
  • Dogs between 11 kg and 30 kg:  one teaspoon per day
  • Dogs over 30 kg:  one and a half teaspoons per day

Knowing this, you can now feed your pet the right amount of olive oil.

It is best to mix the olive oil with regular food, as your pet already knows and likes this taste. In addition, the feed is additionally moistened with the oil, making it softer and easier to eat.

You can also add it to a small serving of rice, cereal dog food, or regular canned food. Your dog’s bowel activity is immediately stimulated and starts to work properly. But only as long as you don’t exceed the recommended dose, which could lead to diarrhea.

What Can Olive Oil Do For Dogs?

In addition to taking care of its internal organs, olive oil can also improve your dog’s exterior. For example, it contributes to a beautiful complexion. If your pet has a dry area of ​​skin, rub a little olive oil on it and you will see how the affected area regenerates quickly. This effect is due to the antioxidant effect of olive oil and ensures that the skin cells regenerate.

The only downside to this could be that your dog could stain furniture, floors, and walls with the oil. However, if he has his own little kingdom, that’s not a problem either.

If you want to avoid your dog soiling household items right from the start, you can also use rose hip oil. This oil is absorbed into the skin faster and does not leave any stains. However, under no circumstances should it be taken orally by the dog.

Olive oil for relaxed dogs

You will also notice an improvement in your dog’s coat very quickly. It shines more and feels silky and softer.

As you can see, this natural product has many advantages for your pet. Therefore, feed your dog regularly but always remember: the correct dosage is important.

After a few days, you will see that your dog’s health, digestion, skin, and coat are improving. Of course, you should always follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for amounts, as the amounts in this article are only general. Every dog ​​is different and has special needs.

Who Said Not To Feed Dogs Olive Oil?

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