Snacks You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog

While snacks may be very useful as positive reinforcement for learning, it is also true that some of them can be harmful to dogs.
Snacks that you shouldn't give your dog

While snacks may be very useful as positive reinforcement for learning, it is also true that some of them can be harmful to dogs.

We can currently find numerous dog snacks on the market. A variety of flavors, aromas, textures, and formats are available.

Many pet owners wonder if offering treats to dogs is good. And what are good and bad snacks for our dogs? Next, let’s analyze why snacks can be very useful in training your dog.

You will also learn which snacks are beneficial for your health and which should be avoided.

Are Snacks Good For Dogs?

A snack can be a treat for your dog, which he will also interpret as a show of affection. But you can achieve a lot more with it.

Snacks as positive reinforcement in dog training

A small bite is also  very helpful in training our dogs. Positive reinforcement as an educational method suggests the reward to exercise and stimulate.

That is, by rewarding your pet’s good behavior and recognizing their efforts, you not only encourage them to repeat these actions, but you also develop their cognitive, emotional, and social skills.

The traditional method of using punishments or swear words exposes the dog to situations of humiliation and intense fear.

These negative emotions cause tremendous stress on the animal and can encourage the development of numerous behavioral problems such as aggression, destructiveness, phobias and stereotypes.


The belief that the owner must be dominant and the dog must show his submission is completely wrong. Dominance is part of a system of social relationships and a special hierarchy.

That is, it only happens between animals of the same species. Hence, a human can never rule a dog, and a dog will never be subservient to humans.

A dog obeys its teacher thanks to a special bond that is based on trust and mutual respect. And not because he is submissive or fearful. Therefore, make sure to invest in positive reinforcement when training your best friend.

Good snacks for dogs

Basically, all snacks made especially for dogs are suitable for our best friends. However, it is important to review the ingredients of each product in order to choose the most suitable candy for our companions.

For example, for obese dogs, traditional rewards are not the best option due to their high caloric value. There are already snacks (reduced in fat and calories) that have been specially developed for overweight or obese dogs.

Puppies, on the flip side, can benefit from rewards that are high in calcium and protein to help them grow. Older dogs need softer textures that are easy to chew and digest. 

Additionally, you can find many that will help with cleaning your teeth and gums. Therefore, they are beneficial in preventing bad breath and tartar build-up, especially in adult dogs.

Of course, moderation is the key word when offering your dog a treat.

In addition, we can also use fruits and vegetables or prepare homemade treats for our dogs. These options are more natural, fresher, and very tasty for our companions.

Harmful snacks

Below is a small list of snacks that are harmful to the health of our dogs and should be removed from their diet.

  • Treats and Meals for Humans : There are foods that can be consumed by humans and dogs, such as meat, fruits, and vegetables. However, our method of preparation is not always appropriate for our dogs.
  • Spicy, salty, sweetened and fried foods are very harmful to the organism of dogs.
  • Sweets With Dyes And Chemical Additives : Some dog snacks contain chemical additives such as preservatives, coloring agents, etc. It is best to give preference to natural or organic treats.
  • Prohibited food for dogs: This includes chocolate, avocado, citrus fruits, biscuits and industrial products (chips or filled biscuits).
  • Dairy Products : Most adult dogs are lactose intolerant. The consumption of milk and its derivatives can cause your immune system to have a hypersensitivity reaction.

In conclusion, we would like to emphasize that snacks are not suitable foods for your dog’s diet. He needs a complete and balanced diet to develop his physical and cognitive skills.

Get advice from your vet to help you feed your most loyal friend as well as possible!

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