Why Dogs Bark

Many people are upset when their pet barks because the deafening noise does not allow them to sleep, listen to the TV, or talk to others. However, we have to watch out for the barking as it tells us something about our dogs.
Why dogs bark

Animals don’t speak like we do, but they do have the ability to make themselves understood. The dog’s barking is its communication system and, like our words, these sounds can express emotions or situations. In this article, we’ll tell you why dogs bark.

Causes of Dogs Barking

Many people are upset when their pet barks because the deafening noise does not allow them to sleep, listen to the TV or talk to others. However, we have to watch out for the bark, as it tells us something about our dogs:

When he’s feeling stressed

Why dogs bark - dog barks

Of course, like humans, dogs feel stress. Dogs bark desperately when faced with certain situations such as captivity, driving a car, or lack of water. If any of their basic needs are not met, they will use their bark to notify you. Like the crying baby who is hungry or has got his diaper wet.

When he spends a lot of time alone

Certain breeds like the Cocker Spaniel cannot stand loneliness. Because of this, when the owners leave their homes, they bark and howl, showing their sadness. You need to remember that a dog has herd life in its genes. He cannot be alone because he is afraid or sees danger where there really isn’t any.

If he alone out there ß is s

The same thing happens when he spends many hours outdoors on the terrace, in the garden or on the balcony. Not being supervised, not seeing anyone nearby, or having to walk around in a confined space can cause dogs to bark.

He is afraid

When dogs are out of contact with other animals or the outside world, they feel threatened every time they go outside. You hear the sound of a car, the wheel of a bicycle, a child running. Or even an object blown around by the wind. They all scare them … and it is likely that in this situation they will start barking. This can also happen when you are with other dogs (for example in the park).

He is excited

Playing, jumping, and running are some of the best activities for dogs, especially in their early years. And because of this, they can’t stop and show how happy they are. When they play with other animals, have a new toy, discover something new, do something they like or greet their owner … this bark is accompanied by a vigorous movement of the tail and a jump or kiss.

He marks his territory

For example, if a cat jumps off the roof or if we bring a new puppy home, the dog will likely bark to show that this is its territory and defend it with its claws and fangs.

He informs us of a danger or a visitor

Many dogs bark when the doorbell rings or when someone knocks on the door because they use this mechanism to warn their owners that someone is there. But be careful, if you cannot calm down, even if the visitor has already entered the house, it may be that the animal does not trust him, is afraid of him or does not know him enough.

Dogs also bark to warn us that there is something they don’t like around the house. It mainly happens when there is an unknown or negative presence. If they bark excessively and nervously, look out the window to see what happens.

He’s going deaf

Why dogs bark - older dog

As the animal gets older, its senses are no longer as good and this can cause it to bark more than usual. With age, dogs can lose some or all of their visual or auditory abilities. This could make him bark more because he doesn’t understand what is going on around him.

He wants your attention

Do you eat, take care of your baby, or do you watch TV and your dog starts barking? He does this because he wants to eat or wants your attention so that you can play with him or go for a walk with him! You’ll find out what he wants from you because his tone is sharper than usual.

The breeds that bark the most are the Yorkshire Terrier, Schnauzer, Fox Terrier, Beagle, Chihuahua, Pekingese, and Toy Poodle.

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