Our First Year Together …

I wasn’t sure whether to adopt or not … but now I know it was my best decision.
Our first year together ...

Uncertainty, doubt, fear, and other feelings all overwhelm us when we adopt a pet for the first time. But the love, company and affection it gives us every day make time go by very quickly. And today, almost without realizing it, we have already spent our first year together.

Our first year together: challenges

Our first year - cat

I wasn’t sure whether to adopt or not. But when I finally convinced myself and looked for the ideal puppy, I didn’t have to think much. You ran to me and I knew you were ideal! Though that’s how I put it, when I think about it, I don’t know if I really chose you or you chose me.

I definitely don’t care, and I think you probably do too. It is important that our first year together is already behind us. Getting to where we are today wasn’t easy at first, but we both gave in and did our part. Today I wouldn’t change you for anything in the world.

I remember the first time I brought you home. You made the whole house your territory, every corner! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I thought our coexistence would be impossible. Maybe I was alone too long and that made me a little selfish when it came to my things. Now I had to learn to share it with you.

I had no choice, you gave me no choice. I had to share my home, my bed, my sofa, and even my food with you. Although it was all new to me, I ended up doing it and enjoying doing it.

Teaching you to attend to your needs on the patio, not around the house, wasn’t easy … but together we made it. Finally the house smells good! And I know that you like it clean and smelling good too.

Going for a walk wasn’t an easy task either. I spoke to you gently, and although you didn’t want to follow me at the beginning, you then understood that you had to walk by my side. That you have to listen to me when I call you and you are not allowed to pull the leash so as not to hurt yourself. Patience and love paid off.

And today, after our first year together, I see you lying peacefully, calmly and relaxed on your bed, and I know it was worth all the effort. We did a great job in our first year.

Our first year together: good times

Our first year - dog with toys

And it was worth it not only because we learned to live together, but because you gave me a lot of great times, still give them to me, always will give me. It wasn’t just challenges that we had, but good times as well.

You were so little when you came to me that it was hard for you to drink from your bowl. If the bowl was almost empty, you couldn’t reach the water, and when you tried to tilt the bowl with your leg, you poured the water over you. I feel so sorry for you, but at the same time it was funny too!

When I came home from work and you waited for me behind the door, crying and scratching at the door … I felt so good! Now  I was looking forward to finishing my work day to see you at home. I feel loved and I know you feel the same way.

And I’ve never watched TV alone on the couch, I love it when you come to me and make yourself comfortable. I love that you feel sad when I leave because you don’t like it and I love it when you sleep next to me or move my hand with your head so that I stroke you.

Today, after our first year together, I can say that adopting you was the best decision of my life. It wasn’t easy to adapt to each other, but we made it. Our first year was a complete success.

And we still have many years ahead of us with new challenges and many good times. And you know what? I couldn’t have chosen a better partner for this. Thank you for choosing me !

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