Did You Know That Dogs Watch TV Too?

Scientists discovered that dogs, like their owners, are not indifferent to programming and have their content preferences.
Did you know that dogs watch TV too?

Pets are usually family members and share many of our daily activities. That’s why it’s not so weird that they are sitting in front of the TV. But while it’s scientifically proven that dogs watch TV too, the question is, what do they really see and what gets their attention.

A study to find out why dogs watch TV too

Scientists at the University of Central Lancashire, Great Britain, tried to answer these and other questions. The research that was conducted resulted in a report entitled “My dog ​​is watching TV?”. To confirm that dogs are watching television too, eye-tracking mechanisms very similar to those used to analyze human eyes were used.

Dogs watch TV too - dog on sofa

The scientists discovered that dogs, like their owners, are not indifferent to programming and have their own content-related preferences. In particular, the experts’ conclusions include:

  • Dogs prefer programs in which representatives of their species are protagonists or appear regularly.
  • Your attention is very scattered and only lasts for a short time. Usually just a few seconds.
  • The barking or growling of their kind on television attracts special attention.
  • They are also interested when they hear human commands or screams.
  • To see what interests you, sit a few inches away from the screen.

According to a study by a university in the UK, dogs are not indifferent to the images that are shown on television. But they prefer programs in which dogs are the protagonists. It has been confirmed that dogs also watch TV.

How dogs see the world and television

We need to remember that dogs see the world differently. Dogs see two colors because they have two types of color receptors, or cones. This means that they perceive two of the three basic colors. You only perceive yellow and blue.

Dogs’ eyes are also more sensitive to movement than ours. This suggests that the greater sharpness of current high definition screens is the main reason dogs are more attracted to television images.

The older devices, which showed fewer frames per second, did not attract the dogs’ attention. Since dogs take pictures faster than the human eye, it was like watching a silent Charles Chaplin film on old televisions.

A television channel exclusively for dogs

However, some of the conclusions drawn by British scientists seem to have long been confirmed by some people across the Atlantic.

Dog TV was launched in the US in 2012. It is an exclusive on-demand channel for dogs. The idea of ​​the creators of this channel is to help the dogs that are left alone at home.

According to those responsible, they show programs that are both visually and aurally geared towards dogs. You try to stimulate them, relax and entertain them to reduce stress and separation anxiety.

If you want to watch Dog TV, here are some videos available on YouTube.

The television is not a substitute for games and cuddles

If you hadn’t noticed before, now you know. Like a large proportion of family members, dogs also watch TV. Another reason to share something with your pet and we love to do so. Although your dog will certainly have little interest in the news or soap operas, unless one of their own kind is starring.

But be careful. This information shouldn’t be used as an excuse to ignore him and just turn on the TV for him to be entertained. One or more television programs are not going to replace the walks, games, or the petting you give him. Although dogs watch TV too, it is not a good thing for them to do so all day.

Everything in moderation.

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