4 Tips If A Dog Attacks You

Thousands of people are attacked or bitten by dogs every year. Find out what to do if a dog attacks you in this article.
4 tips if a dog attacks you

If you’re wondering what to do when a dog attacks you, we have some advice in this article.

First of all, one must always try to avoid such situations. But if you are actually surprised by a dangerous or aggressive animal, it is important to act quickly and correctly.

What to do if a dog attacks you

Thousands of people are attacked or bitten by dogs every year. But in many cases the responsibility does not lie with the animal. The dog owner is responsible for training and taking care of his dog.

If it’s a street dog, the victim may not have known how to behave. To avoid this situation, we will give you a few tips. Because it is very important to act quickly and correctly when a dog attacks you :

1. Keep calm and don’t run!

It is said that “dogs can smell fear”. And if that happens, you are most likely to be attacked. The truth is that the four-legged friend identifies your body language and acts accordingly.

If you run, yell, or make sudden movements, it is likely that the dog will startle and try to attack you. That is why it is advisable to breathe slowly, think of something nice and stay calm.

When the animal approaches, do not move and put your hands in your pockets or cross them in front of your chest. Become a “tree” that the dog loses interest in you. Even if he gets very close and sniffs you, try not to move.

What to do if a dog attacks

Keep him in your field of vision, but don’t look him directly in the eyes, as this is a clear sign of threat to him.

Lots of people make the mistake of running away, and that’s worse because the dog will chase its prey. He’s also likely faster than you. Even if you’re on a bike, he can reach you.

2. Give him an order

It doesn’t matter if it’s your dog, a neighbor, or a stray animal. Everyone understands what a strong and emphatic “no” means. Your voice needs to sound energetic and confident.

The rigor is fundamental as in most cases he will realize that he should move away or remain calm.

3. Distract him!

If you have something to eat in your pocket or in your hand, you can throw it far away for him to look for and give you time to move away.

If this isn’t the first time a dog has attacked you by passing an aggressive dog, you should have something with you to get his attention.

You can bring treats, croquettes, cookies, or a toy ball. That way you can distract him and continue on your way. It is not advisable to run or make sudden movements that may be more noticeable than the item you are offering.

Do not run when a dog attacks.

4. Assume the fetal position

If you cannot escape the animal or if you fall while trying to escape, adopting the fetal position is a good technique to protect your vital areas.

The dog will try everything to bite you in the neck. He knows the weak points and knows that a bite in this area can be fatal. Also try to cover your face, head, and chest with your arms and hands. Pull up your knees and protect your stomach.

Hold this position for a few minutes, let the dog sniff and approach you. Under no circumstances should you take advantage of the proximity to hit him, as this can make him even more aggressive.

If, despite all of these techniques, you can’t keep the dog from attacking you, the next step is to treat the wounds it caused.

Depending on the severity of the injuries, you can treat them at home or see a doctor. If you do not know the animal, you should definitely see a doctor so that he can give you the necessary vaccinations.

And if you know the owner, speak to them to let them know what happened. In this way he can prevent his pet from biting or attacking another.

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