Did You Know That Puppies Are Born Deaf?

Dogs are not fully developed when they are born. Therefore, the little puppies are very helpless and completely dependent on their mother. Why are dogs born deaf? Find out more about it today!
Did you know puppies are born deaf?

Puppies are born with their eyes closed and deaf. This is a trait they share with some other mammal species. Your senses are not fully developed at birth.

Newborn puppies are born with the ear canal closed. It stays that way until the second or third week of life. That is why it is said that puppies are born deaf  because their hearing is fully developed gradually.

Puppies are born deaf due to an adaptive strategy

During the evolution of mammals, those strategies of reproduction and development were chosen which guaranteed a higher survival rate in the environment.

Although this group of animals is distinguished by the fact that they give birth to live young, the process of pregnancy and the degree of development differs between the different species.

Some mammals, such as cows or other livestock, have a longer gestation period of up to nine months. The young animal is therefore already fully developed when it is born.

Scientifically, they are called fleeing nest, because they already have all the abilities of a full-grown individual when they are born. Usually these are animals whose survival depends very much on being able to flee from predators as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, there are mammals in which gestation is rather short. For dogs, for example, it only lasts two months.

In contrast to those who flee from the nest, these animals are called nestlings. The young animals are not yet fully developed at birth and are therefore very dependent on the mother, who nourishes them and offers them protection.

Mother is suckling her litter of puppies

As a result, many of the puppy’s basic organs are not fully developed in the first few days of life. The brain, eyes and hearing are just a few examples. This is also the reason that you should be very careful with the puppies.

The development of the dog’s sense of hearing

Although puppies are said to be born deaf, they can still hear diffuse noises as if from far away. Therefore, you should make sure that the little ones are in a quiet environment. Only in this way can their sense of hearing develop fully and correctly.

Constant noise causes pressure changes in the hearing that affect the fragile structures in the puppy’s ears. This can lead to developmental disorders.

The opening of the ear canal usually begins in the second week of the puppy’s life. At about the same time, their eyes also open. However , in contrast to the eyes, hearing is already more developed.

Hearing of the dog

The final development of hearing can be checked at home. The opening of the ear canal can be seen with the naked eye. You can also hear the animal’s reaction to soft noises.

However, you will only experience this if your own dog has given birth to puppies. When you take in a young animal, it will usually be two or three months old.

Breeders or dog owners who have a litter at home should definitely check the degree of development of the sensory organs in the puppies after the prescribed period of time.

If a puppy’s hearing has still not developed by the third week, you should see a veterinarian. They will then check whether there is an anomaly.

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