Small Dogs And Lameness

Due to a congenital defect, there are dogs that can be diagnosed with lameness between the ages of 4 and 12 months. We’ll tell you which races are particularly affected.
Small dogs and lameness

Because of a congenital defect, there are certain dogs that are diagnosed with lameness between 4 to 12 months of age . If left untreated, they can become degenerative.

Small dogs have a lot in common beyond their size. For example, many of them have lameness from a disease known as Perthes disease. We’ll tell you more about it in this article.

Lameness in Small Dogs: What Should I Know?

Small pedigree dogs are more likely to have a condition known as Perthes’ disease , in which the muscles of the hind legs do not get proper blood supply. This leads to some difficulty walking and many dogs limp.

This pathology is also known as “necrosis” and mainly affects the femoral head. This disorder causes atrophy and in some cases is very painful.

It is diagnosed between the 4th and 12th months of the animal’s life and, if left untreated, can become degenerative and also affect the hip.

Some veterinarians recommend using slings on small dogs that are lameness from Perthes disease. You should also keep your hind legs still and not move them.

However, in many cases, professionals choose to have surgery to reverse the situation, especially in advanced cases.

Lameness in small dogs due to a dislocation of the kneecap

Another cause of lameness in small dogs is dislocation of the kneecap. The patella is an ossification of the tendon and is located in the quadriceps.

This problem is hereditary but can be exacerbated by dietary or environmental factors.

In addition to the pain of walking, the animal will likely “hop”. In addition, the symptoms worsen if the animal is overweight or overexerted.

This type of lameness is common in small breed dogs because it is a congenital defect. The knees are healthy at birth, but as the femoral groove grows, it loses depth and the patella “freely” circulates.

This causes it to break away from its original position, causing problems with walking.

In contrast to Perthes disease, a patellar dislocation can occur on the front or rear legs.

Which dog breeds are more common in lameness?

Small pedigree dogs are more prone to lameness as puppies if they have Perthes disease. However, the symptoms can only appear in adulthood. The following dog breeds are particularly susceptible:

1. Maltese

This dog, which originated on the Mediterranean island of Malta but is more famous in Italy, has basically robust health. However, lameness in this breed can occur from problems in the knees and kneecaps. Therefore, you should always pay attention to a healthy weight of the animal.

Maltese - lameness

2. Yorkshire Terrier

This small English breed of dog originated at the height of the industrial revolution. She can suffer from a variety of health problems.

Yorkshire Terrier - lameness

These include: displacement of the kneecap, skin allergies, heart problems, cataracts, dry keratitis and often they have a sensitive digestive system.

3. Toy poodle

This is another small dog that is often lameness. It is also more common than the other sub-breeds (large, medium, or miniature poodles). The Toy Poodle measures a maximum of 28 centimeters and that is its main characteristic.

Toy poodle

4. Pug

The pug is a breed of dog from China, sponsored by the United Kingdom, that has become quite famous lately.

As a Molossian, the pug suffers from brachycephalic syndrome due to its flattened snout. He cannot stand the heat and often has difficulty breathing.

Pug and lameness

However, these dogs are also often obese because they eat a lot and do not enjoy exercising. Because of their tendency to be overweight and reluctant to exercise, they are more likely to have a limp. Because the additional weight often affects your joints.

If you walk your dog and find that he limps while walking, find out what the problem is.

Maybe it’s because he has something on his paw that bothers him. However, if this doesn’t get better after a few days, we recommend that you see a veterinarian. Especially if it is a small dog, you should definitely have these symptoms examined by a specialist.

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