Do Cats Perceive People’s Energies?

One hears interesting things about the spirituality of cats again and again. Therefore, in our article today we are looking into the question of whether cats can perceive energies and whether they protect us from evil. 
Do cats perceive people's energies?

Cats can sense the energies of people. They also have other perceptual abilities that we don’t. For example, they can feel the waves of electronic devices or our pain.

One hears interesting things about the spirituality of cats again and again. That is why in today’s article we are looking into the question of whether cats  can perceive energies  and whether they protect us from evil.

Cats have different perceptual abilities

Pets can sense energies that emanate from various objects in the household or from ourselves.

You’ve probably seen cats love to sleep on the television, microwave, or computer … They do so because they can identify the negative waves emitted by the technological devices.

Many cats even rub against cell phones, laptops or tablets. We may think that this is a way to leave their scent note or to attract attention. But it is also a technique to absorb the negative waves from these internet connected devices.

However, if we take into account the physiognomy of these animals, we can answer the question of whether or not cats perceive energy. First of all, they have whiskers or vibrissae that work like radars and eyes that can see in the dark without any problems.

So it’s normal for them to have skills that we ourselves lack.


If your cat appears to be staring into empty space or suddenly struggles for no apparent reason, it may be because it sensed some disruptive energy in the area.

Cats sense pain

Cats like to be in places where the vibrations are not very good, or in places where the energy cannot flow freely. You may have wondered why your cat is sleeping right on the part of your body that is hurting you. For example, on your stomach during premenstrual syndrome, on your back or near your neck if you have tension; or on your feet if you’ve run a lot …

Not only is their presence the perfect stimulus to healing, they also do everything they can to remove the pain with their purring and kneading.

There have even been many cases where people went to the doctor with no symptoms and ended up discovering an illness right where the cat was most comfortable.

Cats perceive human energies

There is no longer any doubt that cats are very sensitive animals, much more sensitive than other pets. If the cat struggles, meows too much, or runs away from a visitor, it is likely that that person does not have “good vibes”.


This does not mean that it is someone who is bad or dangerous, but that they are simply surrounded by some bad energy that the cat will sense. The cat runs away when the negative energy is too strong. 

Sometimes the cat is especially affectionate when you come home and rubs its back against your legs. She then wants to be petted. Perhaps she was alone for a long time, or she “cleaned” you of negative vibrations that you brought home with you.

Stroke your cat more often to help drain negative energies

Also, have you ever wondered why you feel better after petting your pet on your lap for a few minutes? Do you feel less stressed and more energetic about getting on with your daily chores?

This habit allows you to have a stronger connection with your cat. You can also get rid of negative energies that accumulate at work, in a meeting or on the go!

Cats have a sensitivity that is superior to that of humans. Therefore, perhaps they can recognize vibrations and energies better than we can. You have an excellent spiritual protector at home!

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