Terrier Breed Portrait: Characteristic Features

These brave and determined dogs were mainly used for fox and badger hunting to rummage underground in the burrows of these animals. But in the field they also hunt down pests like rats. 
Breed portrait terrier: characteristic traits

Terriers  are usually small and brave, as anyone who knows a Yorkshire  Terrier  can attest to this. In this article you will learn more about the general characteristics of this breed, because the individual subgroups have many similarities, not just their size. 

Common story

Until not so long ago, the development and breeding of dogs was geared towards the work that four-legged friends had to do: hunting dog, shepherd, guard dog …  This resulted in a genetic selection that far exceeded the character and physical properties Beauty of a dog determined beyond. One also speaks of phenotypic specialization.

A clear example of this is the greyhound, which is characterized by its slim, tall build. In order to achieve the specific characteristics of this hunting dog, different fast dog breeds were crossed with one another. Other breeds were also bred for special purposes.

In the case of the terrier, its name already indicates its original use: the Latin expression “terra” means earth. When hunting, it was used to rummage underground in fox and badger caves. However, it was also used to hunt pests in the field, such as rats and other small predators.

Terrier: common external characteristics

Because of this very specific task, the breed of terriers has developed common traits in order to be successful in their tasks. In general, they are small dogs with well-proportioned and sometimes short legs.

Their fur is relatively hard and rough, although there are also species specially bred for beauty contests, which are an exception here.

The rough fur protects the dogs from the moisture in the burrows of badgers or foxes and enables them to maintain the health of their skin in rain or in water-rich areas. These dogs usually only lose a little hair, which is why they are often recommended for allergy sufferers.

Terrier at the race

Terriers have pointed ears with a relatively high base:  They need their hearing to determine whether the burrows of their prey are occupied or where exactly the hunted animals are. The ears are very flexible in order to be able to recognize the origin of the noises well.

Terrier: common character traits

It’s not just physical characteristics that make terrier dogs excellent little hunters, character also plays a major role. They share common psychological traits,  but each dog’s individual experience is of course also fundamental to its behavior.

These are dogs that like to bark and point out danger:  although they are not good watchdogs due to their size, they immediately sound the alarm when a stranger approaches. They learned this because they had to point out to the hunters where the burrows of badgers or foxes were. That is why they have retained this characteristic to this day.

Many dogs of this breed have had to face larger animals,  so they are brave and daring. You don’t hesitate to face a larger dog, animal, or human. Terrier dogs are determined and energetic and very quick when they start running.

white terrier

When terrier dogs are under stress, all of their primitive instincts come out:  they rub against the ground, make holes, and try to bury things. If you have a small terrier destroying your flower pots or burying objects in the lawn, this could be an indication that your dog is stressed out!

Terrier breeds

There are many races within this group. Then we only name those that appear most frequently. There are also “toy” versions that are particularly small. However, these were never active as hunters, because they are only bred for beauty contests. Nevertheless, they retain the psychological character traits.

The most common terrier breeds are:

  • Yorkshire
  • Jack Russell
  • Westy or Whest Highland White Terrier
  • Fox Terrier
  • Airelade Terrier
  • Boston Terrier

Some hunting dogs also belong to this group, even if they were not bred to hunt small predators, for example:

  • Bull Terrier
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier

As with other breeds, these common traits should be considered  before purchasing or adopting a terrier. Don’t forget that these are nervous dogs who love to bark, but are also determined and brave. Their size and character traits put them away from the hunt a long time ago and made them the perfect house dog and loyal companion.

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