Gray Hair In Dogs: Causes And Tips

Gray hair in dogs younger than five years can be due to health or other causes. Learn more about it!
Gray hair in dogs: causes and tips

Gray hair in dogs is very common. As with humans, aging is a major cause of these gray hairs appearing in your pet.

However, it is also possible that gray hairs may appear prematurely in dogs.

If a dog is younger than five and has a lot of gray hair, it can be a symptom of something wrong with their health.

Then we’ll look at a few factors to understand what causes gray hair in dogs and when to worry.

Early gray hair in dogs

The most common cause of gray hair in dogs is aging. However, if gray hair develops in a young animal, it is called premature graying. There are many reasons for this, but most of the time they indicate that there is a problem.

A young dog with a lot of gray hair usually has health problems. In this case , the appearance of gray hair can be accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, or hair loss.

There are also many instances where gray hair is linked to stress issues. In addition to graying prematurely, the dog then has behavioral characteristics such as states of fear or aggressiveness.

Ultimately, premature gray hairs in dogs sometimes have a genetic origin. For example, black dogs are more likely to get gray hair sooner. Race can also be a determining factor.

Gray hair on the snout in dogs

Origin of gray hair in dogs

If a dog has light hair on the muzzle, it is most likely gray hair. This light hair also appears on other parts of the body and face, such as the eyes.

Regardless of health problems, dog hair begins to lose its color after a certain age. This usually happens around the age of seven or eight.

Hair color is determined by a molecule called melanin, a pigment that is produced in every hair follicle. With increasing age, the DNA is less and less able to produce the cells that are responsible for the production of melanin.

There are other guesses that explain why gray hair develops, especially if it occurs prematurely. For example, it is believed that the follicles sometimes produce more hydrogen peroxide than usual. And this element would be responsible for hair lightening.

Why does gray hair appear prematurely?

As you’ve seen earlier, premature gray hair in a dog can be caused by a number of different things.

It is important to know them in order to take appropriate action in a timely manner. This can change this development and avoid problems that can affect the dog’s health.

One of the causes of premature gray hair can be poor diet. Sometimes the discoloration of dog hair is due to a lack of nutrients. This can happen, for example, in dogs that do not eat meat.

Gray hair in young dogs

If your four-legged friend shows symptoms like laziness, loss of appetite or weight loss in addition to gray hair , it could be a parasite infection or even something more serious.

In this case it is necessary to take him to the vet so that he can examine and treat him appropriately.

In practice, stress is one of the most common causes of gray hair in dogs.

Stress in dogs

The link between early graying in dogs and fear is a fact. There is no doubt: dogs that are under stress age at a young age.

It is important to pay attention to the signals in order to make the necessary changes that will help your pet’s wellbeing.

This psychological state often manifests itself through hyperactivity (even after physical exertion), inability to calm down, permanent nervousness or behavior such as jumping up in people.

Dogs can develop anxiety if they are at home alone for a long time or if they don’t have enough exercise. They can also become stressed if they live with people who are stressed or in a very tense environment.

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