Summer Fruits For Your Dog

The summer fruits for your dog help to strengthen the immune system, stimulate digestion and ensure adequate hydration. Learn more!
Summer fruits for your dog

Summer fruits are excellent natural sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber, and also provide plenty of water. Therefore, they are very useful foods not only for you but also for your pet. On warmer days, summer fruits are an important supplement for your dog for optimal hydration.

The best summer fruits for your dog

During the summer, fruits and vegetables help strengthen the dog’s immune system, stimulate digestion, and ensure adequate hydration.

The nutrients contained in the fruits make them excellent natural supplements for your dog’s diet. However, they should not be viewed as a substitute for feed or basic nutrition.

Despite the many health benefits , it is imperative that you consult with your veterinarian. Some fruits are high in sugar. Therefore, it is important to determine the ideal serving for each dog. Also, the fiber can cause diarrhea, so the dog shouldn’t overeat.

Another piece of advice is that you do a thorough research of which fruits are beneficial for your furry friend before offering them a large portion.

Summer fruits for your dog: watermelon


The watermelon is one of the most important summer fruits for your dog because of its high water content . With a piece or two on warmer days, your best friend is well taken care of. But you shouldn’t go overboard with the portions, as the watermelon is also very high in fructose.

If your dog is diabetic, it is important to consult your veterinarian before giving him a watermelon, sugar melon, or other high-sugar fruit. Also, always remember to remove the seeds from the watermelon.

Sugar melon

Much like watermelon, sugar melon is an excellent source of water, fiber and vitamins A and E. Due to its diuretic and antioxidant properties, it is an excellent aid in detoxifying the body. You have to keep in mind that this fruit is also high in sugar.

To supplement your dog’s diet with the melon, you can offer it raw or make a delicious natural juice. Another refreshing and fun option is making water-based melon ice cream or plant-based milk.

Summer fruits for your dog: peach

The peach is known for its delicious taste and structure. It is also very rich in soluble fiber and iron. On the one hand , it is an excellent natural supplement for fighting anemia and boosting your dog’s immune system. On the other hand, it improves digestion and prevents constipation.

In addition, the peach is a good source of natural antioxidants and has relatively little sugar. Therefore, it can be consumed by dogs of all ages and even overweight animals. However, you can still only give it moderate servings after you’ve removed the core.

Summer fruits for your dog: strawberries


The plantain’s fibers won’t dissolve, which means you can only give them moderately. In small portions, these fibers stimulate your dog’s digestion and help regulate intestinal passage. But excessive consumption can lead to gas and stomach discomfort.

If your dog is constipated, a slice or two of bananas a day will help him defecate regularly. If he has diarrhea or gas after consuming it, the best thing to do is to remove this fruit from his diet.


Blueberries are one of the best natural antioxidants known today for preventing cell damage. Hence , they are recommended as natural supplements in the prevention of numerous degenerative, coronary and infectious diseases.

The ability of these forest fruits to prevent bacteria from adhering to the surface of the urinary system has also been demonstrated, making it easier for them to pass through the urine. Blueberry juice is therefore used to prevent and treat cystitis and urinary tract infections in dogs.

Summer fruits for your dog: apple

The apple is one of the best summer fruits for your dog because of its high levels of vitamin C, calcium, and water. Due to its digestive and astringent properties, it is ideal for preventing and relieving stomach ailments.

In addition, its anti-inflammatory effects help prevent or relieve the symptoms of numerous diseases.

Summer fruits for your dog: strawberries

Like blueberries, strawberries provide excellent natural antioxidants, lots of vitamin C and important fiber. They contain a lot of sugar and should therefore be served in moderation. Strawberries also have diuretic and moisturizing properties due to their high water content.

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