A Blind Labrador Survives A Week In The Forest

The owners could not find the bitch after a walk in the forest, even after hours of searching. The foresters saw no hope because it was a huge forest.
A blind labrador survives a week in the forest

Today we present you with an example of perseverance, love and courage: the story of a blind Labrador who survived for a week alone in the forest. Do you want to know more about this Labrador 

A blind Labrador spends a week alone in the forest

Labrador allein im Wald

Although unable to see, the beautiful female dog, a blind Labrador, was able to survive in a wooded area for 7 days after losing her family.

She was found by a man who was walking and happened to see her. The name of the twelve-year-old leading actress in this story is Sage. This happy ending happened in the state of Colorado, in the United States.

The owners could not find the bitch after a walk in the forest, even after hours of searching. The foresters saw no hope because it was a huge forest.

Although unable to see dogs use smells and sounds for guidance, those senses were also impaired in Sage due to their age. The bitch suffered from glaucoma and as a result lost her eyesight. She was also diagnosed with a tumor shortly before that.

The owners hung pictures of Sage all over town  and also offered a $1,000 reward. But the days passed and no one answered. They even hired a professional dog searcher, but he was also out of luck.

After more than a week, the family had lost all hope, but suddenly Dan Estrada, a paramedic and neighbor of the family, answered. He had been walking in the woods and saw a bright spot that he thought was a garbage bag.

Sage a blind labrador was found

Labrador wurde im Wald gefunden

As he got closer, he noticed a dog lying on the river bank. He thought she was dead because she didn’t move. But then he saw that she was breathing, hurried to her and took her in his arms. He brought her home.

He had to carry the bitch to his vehicle. When he got to their family, they were overjoyed to give him the reward, but the neighbor didn’t want the money.

He suggested donating it to an animal shelter. A perfect hayppy ending!

Another story of a blind dog …

We would like to tell you another touching story. The main characters are Hoshi (an American Eskimo) and Zen (a Pomeranian). Both are inseparable friends, but one of them is blind. But that doesn’t matter, because they enjoy countless adventures together.

Hoshi was diagnosed with glaucoma at age and had to undergo an operation.  The family decided to adopt a little pooch to cheer Hoshi up in old age. Hoshi and Zen became inseparable friends.

You go for a walk in double harnesses and Zen leads his friend everywhere. The walks are slow, but both have a lot of fun.

The beautiful couple was called “The Fuffy Duo” (the fluffy duo), their pictures and videos show many adventures and can be seen on Instagram. Over 30,000 followers follow this profile.

Hoshi trusts his friend Zen without hesitation because he knows that he will never leave him and will always guide him.

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