A Nice Farewell For Cena

Marine bids farewell to his labrador
A nice farewell for Cena

US Marines have said a wonderful farewell to their great friend Cena, a dog who served with them for many years .

We have seen many types of jobs that dogs can be trained for. Some serve as guide dogs, others as rescue dogs, the four-legged friends are also used to detect diseases and for many other tasks that make life easier for us humans.

A very special employee

The dog named Cena did a very special job and became a very beloved pet as well as a very special employee. When the moment came, his human colleagues decided that Cena deserved a good goodbye . Do you want to hear the story?

Who is Cena?

Cena was a ten year old Labrador who devoted part of his life to helping the Marines. He was on three trips to Afghanistan and his job was to detect bombs through his sense of smell. Cena risked his life several times to save the life of his owner or other marines.

How did Jeff and Cena become colleagues? He recalls taking a personality test in 2009 and was a perfect match for this big Labrador. “We were meant to be together,” says Jeff with pride and love.

One day the dog was diagnosed with bone cancer and his job in the Navy ended. Because of the intense pain, he was put to sleep to end his suffering.

The nice farewell to his colleagues

Jeff DeYoung was the owner of the noble Cena for eight years. They were partners in Afghanistan and Jeff decided to adopt him when he had to leave the Navy so his buddy could help him overcome post-traumatic stress. But Cena achieved a lot more.

Cena was loyal and a friend like no other. During their time together, Jeff assures that the dog warmed him, gave him emotional support when he saw his friends die in war and was always ready to risk his own life to save his master.

Bone cancer should end the dog’s life. On the recommendation of the veterinarian, Jeff decided to have him euthanized, but before that he wanted to give him a last, good, farewell greeting.

For Jeff, Cena was one of the most important beings in his life. For this reason, he wanted his departure to be so special that it could always be remembered.

So he put on his uniform with all his decorations, took Cena in his arms and carried him to the hundreds of people who had come to say goodbye to him.

The large number of people represents the population’s affection for a United States naval hero. Also present at the ceremony were:

  • The League of the United States Marine Corps.
  • Michigan Police
  • Muskegon Police
  • The Muskegon Fire Department

Other authorities and institutions of the state as well as many civilians wanted to take part in this beautiful farewell to Cena.

Part of the ceremony was a ride in a jeep with a sign that read, “The Answer to Cancer.” According to DeYoung, every dog ​​that has served in the Navy deserves such a lovely goodbye.

Cena is another example of the hard work and courage, perseverance and love that characterize these animals. Every goodbye hurts, but they will always live on in our heads, hearts and memories. Thanks Cena!

Image source: news.televisa.com

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