Aggressive Behavior Of The Dog Can Be Due To The Owner

Dogs can exhibit aggressive behavior for a number of reasons. Most of the time, the reasons for this can be found in the behavior of their owners.
Aggressive behavior of the dog can be due to the owner

Many people believe that certain breeds of dogs can be dangerous. There are even certain legislations that support this opinion in different countries. However, the biggest factor that determines aggressive behavior in dogs is the behavior of its owner.

Against the theory of the potentially dangerous races

Aggressiveness in dogs

Of course there are exceptions, but science proves time and again that there are no breeds of dogs that show aggressive behavior  or a willingness to use violence from birth .

It doesn’t really matter if your dog has a pedigree or is a mixed breed you rescued from the street. If your dog is showing aggressive behavior, then the first thing to think about is what your fault is.

If a dog is violently treated , it can also develop these behaviors quickly.

Dogs can exhibit aggressive behavior when trained through punishment

The journal Applied Animal Behavior Science published a study showing that dogs can become aggressive when trained by methods that rely on punishment.

That way, the animals are more likely to growl or bite at strangers. They may even do so with a member of their human family.

A study carried out at the University of Florida showed that while not all breeds behave the same way, no specific breed of dog is found to have genuinely innate aggressive behavior.  The size of the dog certainly plays a role in how much damage it inflicts other animals or people if it occurs.

Other reasons dogs can develop aggressive behavior

Of course, there are some dogs that get aggressive. But that has nothing to do with their race. But not only a violent upbringing can bring this behavior to light.

Dogs’ aggressiveness may be related to the treatment they experience on a daily basis.  These include the following factors:

  • The dog is not getting enough attention.
  • The fur nose is not sufficiently socialized and educated.
  • The conditions in which he is. Does the dog have enough space? Is he on a leash for a long time or is he alone? And so forth.
  • He doesn’t have enough exercise and physical activity.

Human irresponsibility is the main reason dogs develop aggressive behavior

Aggression in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Hopefully, if you had any doubts, you are now convinced that an aggressive dog is usually a consequence of the irresponsibility and negligence of its owners.

Remember that dogs are pack animals and their behavior is based on a hierarchical system. If you don’t teach them clear rules of how to live together and if you don’t treat them well, then you shouldn’t accuse them of misbehaving or developing aggressiveness afterwards.

One could say that dogs’ aggressiveness is a kind of inherited response to a certain environmental influence. Past experiences as well as training and lifestyle play a role. All of these factors ultimately depend on people.

A completely different issue is those people who intentionally train their dogs to be aggressive.  But we will report on them in other articles.

Educate, care for and love your dog

So if you are a dog owner, hold yourself responsible for their care and upbringing. Always see the positive in your dog and respect his nature. Don’t try to humanize him.

Also remember: if the dog becomes aggressive because of your actions or inaction, then they, not you, will pay for the consequences. Many dogs are given up, abandoned or even euthanized.

Socialize your dog, give him clear rules and really love him.

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