Ball Game Without Nervousness: Tips For Dog Owners

Some dogs can become nervous and frustrated when playing ball games. The activity arouses their hunting instinct, but there is no prey. 
Ball game without nervousness: tips for dog owners

Why is a ball, stick or Frisbee disc so magical that our dogs run after it like crazy when we throw them? Some fur noses fix themselves a little too much on this toy.  In today’s article, we will explain how you can teach your dog the ball game without being nervous.

The dog and its ball, a close relationship

When we go for a walk in the park with our dog, we don’t just have to think about a leash and collar, we also can’t forget his favorite toy: the ball.

The fur nose can sometimes spend several minutes looking for the ball. That gives us a little time to rest on a bench.

Rather, we should understand it as a way to show your wild side and go back to your origins. 

Its ancestors, the wolves, traveled great distances in search of food. Once they have their prey in view, they don’t hesitate any longer, but hunt towards them until they have the prey in their clutches.

Interactive dog toy

When the prey is caught, the animals quickly run back to the pack so that everyone can take part in the feast.
So if your dog brings the ball back to you and puts it at your feet, it means that he wants to share his hunting trophy with you. Even if it was you who threw them before.

The famous hunting instinct

Dogs still have certain instincts. These are more pronounced in some races than in others. However, none  can resist the temptation to chase a ball, stick, frisbee, or other object when thrown in front of their eyes.

For some dogs, the ball game is fun, for others it leads to compulsive behavior.

They bark, become nervous, can no longer remain calm or no longer wait for the owner.

On the one hand, this desperation is related to the animal’s personality. On the other hand, however, the lack of control by the caregiver is also responsible.

Of course, it also has to do with how much exercise and attention the dog gets during the day.

If he sleeps 10 hours while you work outside, it’s no wonder he explodes with energy when you return home and doesn’t want to stop playing.

Ball game without nervousness: tips for dog owners

Breed is an important factor in teaching our dog the ball game without being nervous.

There are some who find it very easy (Golden Retriever, Pointer, Cocker Spaniel, Labrador) because they are naturally prey prey.

However, other breeds may find it a bit “boring” to look for an object (German Shepherd Dog, Boxer, Rottweiler, etc.).

The labrador and his ball

In order to teach your dog the ball game without being nervous, you will need some time and patience.  Your calm is essential to instill balance in the animal as well. This promotes the learning process.

1. You make the rules

You are the one who says when the game starts and when it ends. The ball game begins after you walk around the block or the animal does its business.

If the dog is begging for the ball by barking, yowling, or exaggerated movements, better wait until it calms down.

2. The ball game only starts when the dog is calm

It’s really important. All too often we confuse nervousness with feelings of happiness.

The dog must first learn to obey your commands. So if you tell him to sit down before the ball game, he has to do it too.

Remember that everything has its cost: if he wants to play, he has to do something for it (not barking, sitting, or the like).  Make eye contact with your dog and don’t throw the ball before this happens.

3. He must always return the ball

That can be perhaps the hardest part of the process. Dogs usually hide what they find.

You should teach him to bring the ball back in order for the game to continue. Some dog owners give their fur nose a reward when they return the ball.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a treat, a few pats or words of praise can also reinforce his positive behavior.

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