Basic Obedience Training For Dogs

Basic obedience training is at the very beginning of a dog’s training. The most important commands are: sit, sit down, stay, come, here, off, no …
Basic obedience training for dogs

Dog experts keep pointing out the importance of basic  obedience training  for dogs in order for them to develop cognitive and social skills. It is easy to teach a dog basic commands, and it is very beneficial in its training.

Basic obedience training

Obedience is very important in dog training,  but it must be remembered that it is only a small part of dog training.

There are different levels and types of dog training. The breed and task of the dog must be taken into account:

  • Service dog: guide dog, police dog, rescue dog …
  • Breeds for dog sports
  • House and companion dog

Obedience training of a dog

Basic  obedience training  is the very beginning of a dog’s training. The most important commands are: sit, sit down, stay, come, here, off, no …

These commands are used to train pets and professional animals. Training a service dog also begins with basic exercises that are reinforced by play, but goes well beyond these.

Basic Obedience Training: The Importance of Positive Reinforcement

The positive reinforcement is very important to promote the dog’s willingness to learn and correct behavior. You can use it to train obedience, even in very independent dogs.

To teach your dog the most important rules of obedience, you should praise and reward them when they do them properly. In this way the animal can improve its learning ability and socialization. In addition, his self-confidence is strengthened. 

The reward must always be immediate so that the dog associates it with the specific behavior. As soon as the four-legged friend carries out a command correctly, you give him positive reinforcement.
However, there are certain criteria you must follow to prevent the dog from subconsciously accustoming the dog to incorrect behavior.  The dog must not get used to receiving a reward for every behavior! 

Violence is always counterproductive and out of place

Negative or dominant methods try to achieve the goal by instilling fear in the animal. Obedience, then, is a mandatory response to physical and emotional pressures. The consequences are reflected in the mental health and well-being of the animals.

It has also been shown that  violence is counterproductive and in no way improves behavior and obedience in dogs. Abused and abused dogs suffer from deep trauma, which blocks their cognitive ability.

It can also help you develop aggressive behavior to defend yourself.

For all of these reasons,  it is essential to train a dog through positive reinforcement, not violence. 

6 tips for basic obedience training for a dog

1. Constancy

Constancy is very important in raising a pet. The dog must learn to obey the commands,  which requires patience and effort.

If the owner does not have time, they should contact a professional dog trainer.

2. time

It is generally recommended that you  spend 10 minutes each day practicing the obedience exercises with your dog. Too much is counterproductive; the dog will become inattentive over time.

3. How is the training carried out?

The basic obedience exercises must be trained individually so that the dog can understand and integrate them. It is best to spend 3 to 10 days practicing a command.

The time it takes a dog to learn a command is different for each animal and of course also depends on the trainer. Some breeds learn very quickly. For example, the Border Collie can learn a new command every day if properly taught.

Obedience training of a dog

4. Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the best way to teach obedience to the dog. You shouldn’t always use dog biscuits or treats, however; positive reinforcement can just as easily come through petting, playing, or other activities.

5. The appropriate place

To avoid distractions, it is important to choose  the right place. This is very important, especially with puppies. There should not be too many external incentives (e.g. noise, music, other dogs, smells of food …).

6. Repeat the learned commands

It is also essential to use one or two days a week to repeat commands that you have already learned. Otherwise the animal can forget the commands again or confuse them with others, which makes obedience difficult.

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