Basic Rules For Feeding Puppies

When feeding your puppy, you may have certain doubts about amounts, frequency, or the right food. Learn more about this topic!
Basic rules for feeding puppies

When feeding your puppy, you may have certain doubts about amounts, frequency, or the right food. Knowing the basics of puppy nutrition will help your pet develop optimally into adulthood.

As with all mammals , any diet should start with breast milk. This not only strengthens the bond between mother and puppy, but also provides the necessary nutrients for the growth and strengthening of the newborn’s immune system.

Weaning occurs after six to eight weeks when solid foods are added.

The breastfeeding phase is usually alien to the pet owners, unless it is a home birth. However, it is necessary to be aware of their importance, as weaning prematurely to have the animal earlier can pose a risk to its health.

This is why most breeders do not give up puppies until they are two months old.

Proper nutrition for your puppy

When the animal is less than eight weeks old, you usually switch between breastfeeding and solid food until the latter finally prevails. At this point, the number of meals is between four and six per day, preferably in porridge form.

The frequency of food intake will decrease as the puppy develops. So you start with four meals for up to three months, three feedings for up to six months and finally two times a day. As for the amount of food, it depends on the breed and the particular needs of each animal.

Usually the puppy food has a portion table based on the dog’s weight, but it’s best to ask your vet.

Diet of puppies

Choosing the right recipe is crucial to ensure that little fur nose gets all of the nutrients. Puppy food should have a higher calorie content than usual so that it not only promotes development but also provides plenty of energy.

In addition, the content of proteins, vitamins and minerals is usually higher. Calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and vitamin D should be emphasized.

Even though canned wet food may be easier to eat and even more appealing in terms of taste, you shouldn’t just get your puppy used to it. There is high quality dog food that is adapted to the age and breed of the animal.

So the size of the food is proportional to the development of the animal.

Tips to make eating easier

You may encounter some rejection when feeding your puppy, especially if it is a small breed. It is therefore important that you check that your puppy has eaten everything. At the same time, this reduces the desire to consume other things.

Proper nutrition of puppies

Establishing fixed times and providing a quiet, clean place for meals will gradually get the dog used to a routine. If the dog doesn’t eat the whole portion, you can play little games to motivate him.

However, the temptation to give the dog homemade food to eat should be avoided. In fact, it is better to give it a different food or alternate it with wet food than to pamper the animal from the start.

We recommend playing or exercising after the digestive phase, and no earlier than an hour. This avoids stomach problems such as what is known as stomach swelling and twisting, although the risk is greater in large or giant breeds.

The basic rules for feeding your puppy are gradual determination of the number of meals, consistency in ensuring complete food intake, and the quality of the food ingredients chosen.

By giving early nutrition the importance it deserves, you will be contributing to your dog’s well-being as an adult.

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