Basics Of Body Language In Dogs

Behavior and gestures tell us a lot about dogs, their desires and feelings. Body language in dogs helps us understand our fur-noses better and find out what they want to tell us. 
Basics of body language in dogs

As you adopt a dog, over time you will find that it expresses itself through certain behaviors and communicates things to you. In order to understand body language in dogs,  one has to watch it closely. In today’s post, you will learn how dogs express themselves through gestures. This will allow you to understand your animal darling better and build a good relationship with them. 

How to understand body language in dogs

Behavior and gestures tell us a lot about dogs, their desires and feelings. The  body language of dogs  helps us to understand our Fellnasen better and find out what they want to tell us.


Dogs can be afraid of many things, sometimes things that seem ridiculous to us. Body language will clearly show us when this happens. For example: The four-legged friend takes his tail between his legs, regardless of whether he is male or female, he arches his back and his mouth is closed. If the cause of the fear lasts longer, he will go backwards or run away.

How to understand dog body language through gestures.


Dogs are guardians by nature and also protect their families. Because of this, they jump up immediately when they feel threatened by something strange or unknown. You can tell whether a dog is aroused by its ears pointing forward, accompanied by a frown and threatening look. When he realizes the cause, he will bark loudly and angrily.


If you have a dog, you probably know how he reacts when you scold him. He lowers his head, relaxes his body and even hides where he thinks he cannot be seen. These are all signs of submission, because dogs are herd animals and need a leader. When your dog reacts this way, he has perfectly understood that you are in charge.

Ask for forgiveness

Although animals don’t think or argue when they are scolded, they understand that they did something wrong. Next, he will ask for forgiveness and seek affection. He will come to you and rub your legs or lie on his back and ask you to caress his stomach. If you reject him, he will likely feel very bad, even though he will only walk away to wait for your anger to pass.

Here I command

This is very common in animals that were not accustomed to or had no restrictions from an early age. Dogs need a leader, someone to set the rules. A dominant dog has an erect body with erect ears and a raised tail. If your dog looks at you with this attitude, reprove him. He has not yet understood that you are in charge.

Play, play

Play is an essential part of any dog’s life. Therefore, it will very often happen that your dog asks you to play. He will come to you, wag his tail and climb up on your legs. It is possible that he will do it with or without a toy in his mouth, but it is clear that he will want to play with you. Don’t reject him!

Pay attention to body language in dogs.

Spoil me

A dog is usually an affectionate animal that likes to enjoy the attention of its owner. He will often ask you to pamper and caress. He will go to you, maybe lay his head on your legs and look at you out of the corner of his eye to say: “Come on, caress me”. If necessary, he will even press his head down on your body for you to pay attention to him.

As you can see, all you have to do is watch your loyal companion closely to understand body language in dogs. Be  aware of their needs and properly care for them so that they feel comfortable and happy. So you can enjoy life together for a long time!

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