Benefits Of Massages For Dogs

In today’s post you will learn the benefits of massages for dogs and how you can do them correctly. Read on to find out more! 
Benefits of massages for dogs

We all love relaxing  massages. They not only have benefits for the body, but also bring relaxation, calm and well-being. Massages  are also of great benefit to dogs. Have you ever given your good-hearted friend a massage?

In today’s post you will learn the benefits of massages for dogs and how you can do them correctly. Read on to find out more! 

Benefits of massages for dogs

Four-legged friends love massages as much as we do and they can also derive various physical and emotional benefits from it. Four-legged friends can relax, feel loved and find inner peace.

Massagen für Hunde
Author: Rubí Flórez
Massages have the following physical benefits for dogs:

  • Better blood circulation. This widening of the blood vessels is achieved,  which in turn ensures better blood flow. This can prevent cardiovascular diseases and extend your dog’s life.
  • Reduces stress and nervousness: As with humans, the effect of a massage on dogs is very similar. The animals find peace and quiet, relax and can get rid of stress and nervousness. Can a dog be stressed? Yes. There are various reasons for this: boredom, lack of exercise, etc.
  • Early detection of diseases. With a massage, you can spot lumps or other abnormalities early on. You can also find parasites and treat your fur nose accordingly.
  • Release of oxytocin. This hormone is also known as the happiness hormone. Physical contact leads to an increased release of oxytocin, which is one of the reasons why a massage is wonderful for the dog.
  • Reinforced relationship with your furball. Through massages you can build a perfect relationship with your dog,  he will enjoy this moment and be very grateful for your attention.

However, the massage must be performed correctly in order for it to actually serve its purpose. Then you will learn how to do it.

How and where is the best massage for a dog

There are several factors to consider before giving your dog a massage:

  • The dog needs to relax first. You have to be realistic because even if your dog loves massage, not every moment is suitable for him to lie down quietly and relax. Start by stroking your fur nose, you know for sure where it likes it most. This allows the four-legged friend to relax and you can then start the massage.
  • Start at the neck. Use your fingertips to gently massage your dog’s neck using circular motions. Depending on the size of the dog, you adjust them accordingly.
  • Then go over to the shoulders. If you then massage the shoulders, your four-legged friend can relax better and better. Do not apply too much pressure, the movements should be circular and gentle.
  • Then it is the turn of the chest and legs. Do not lift the legs, massage them from top to bottom. The chest area is also massaged from top to bottom.
  • The back and hind legs  are also massaged from top to bottom. Finish the massage on the hind legs.

Massages for dog

  • Choose the right moment. You should take your time for the massage and be relaxed yourself. Stress and hectic are now no longer required. You can do the massage on the Abned when the two of you are sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, or simply when you have time for rest and relaxation.
  • Gradually lengthen the massage. At first, your dog may feel a little uncomfortable and the massage will only be brief, a few seconds or minutes. Don’t force it, it should be a pleasant moment. Gradually, your dog will get used to it and enjoy longer massages. You can pamper your dog for up to 10 minutes.
  • You are not a therapist. Remember that you are not an expert and that the massage should not be too intense. It’s just about relaxing your dog and discovering any abnormalities. Professional massages must be performed by the veterinarian or an expert. After all, you want to pamper your dog and do him good, not harm.

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