Breast Tumors In Dogs: Preventive Measures

It is important to know that a tumor is not synonymous with cancer. Here are some recommendations that can help keep your best friend healthy and reduce the risk of developing tumors.
Canine Breast Tumors: Preventive Measures

Canine breast tumors are abnormal tissues that result from the uncontrolled and accelerated proliferation of mammary gland cells. They are related to the female hormones, although not only bitches can be affected.

It is important to know that a tumor is not synonymous with cancer. There are benign tissues that can be harmless or have limited local effects. These can usually be surgically removed without causing major damage to the body.

Malignant tumors are to be equated with a cancer diagnosis. They behave aggressively and can spread to other tissues and organs (metastasis).

Canine Breast Tumors: How Can You Prevent Them?

The causes of the development of abnormal tissues in different parts of the body are not fully understood by veterinary medicine. It is believed that some breeds are genetically predisposed to it. However, this assumption has not been proven.

Sterilization, Key to Preventing Breast Tumors in Dogs.

Therefore , it is not possible to precisely determine which preventive measures against breast tumors in dogs could be effective. Still, there are a number of habits and preventive measures you can take to strengthen your dog’s immune system and maintain his or her health.

Here are some recommendations that can help keep your best friend healthy and, as a result, reduce the risk of developing a tumor:

Preventive medicine and regular checkups

All pets, regardless of their species, breed, and age, should receive preventive medicine. It is also advisable to visit the vet regularly to keep the animal’s vaccination and deworming ID up to date.

In addition, you should note that animals previously diagnosed with a disease need regular examinations. The veterinarian will carry out the necessary examinations to determine the current state of health.

Balanced diet and suitable weight

Optimal weight is essential for the health of all breeds. Obesity leads to a variety of related chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition, it accelerates the wear and tear of the heart and increases the risk of muscle and bone degeneration.

Eating a balanced diet is vital to achieving an ideal weight. Therefore, you should only feed your dog a high-quality and balanced food. In addition, you should not feed him human food or foods that are high in fat or spicy.

Older dogs require special attention.   From the age of seven, the metabolism slows down, leading to weight gain, increased lipid concentration, and decreasing muscle mass. Therefore, the diet of older dogs should be lower in carbohydrates and fats, but high in high quality protein.

Regular exercise

Exercise complements a balanced diet  and ensures an active and healthy routine for your pet. Dogs with a weak heart need short walks with regular breaks.

Therefore , a healthy and young animal should take daily walks of at least half an hour. If your pet has a medical condition, you should follow specific instructions and recommendations from your veterinarian as your dog may have different needs.

Canine breast tumors: sterilization is key to prevention

About 90% of canine breast tumors are diagnosed in non-sterilized adult females. In addition, you should know that a female dog that has not been neutered is more prone to uterine and ovarian disease.

Sterilization also helps improve hormonal changes and behavior in bitches during heat. The bitch is calmer, does not attract any males and no longer feels the need to leave the house on her own.

With males, castration offers the advantage that no aggressive behavior arises from territorial disputes. In addition, it also facilitates the training of the dogs and the coexistence with other dogs. And when is neutering recommended? This mainly depends on the size and age of the animal.

Experts recommend neutering between the ages of six and nine months in bitches of tiny or small size. Then this measure can prevent most uterine diseases and reduce the risk of breast tumors.

Breast tumors in dogs

If you have a male dog, you should have him neutered in his first year of life. This is used to prevent tumors and prostate diseases.

In the case of medium-sized dogs and dogs, you should ideally wait until they are 18 months old, as earlier sterilization often increases the risk of bone cancer.

In summary, we can say that breast tumors in dogs tend to develop and progress unnoticed. It is therefore very important that you notice changes in your dog’s behavior early on and react accordingly. The veterinarian can then make a diagnosis in a timely manner and initiate treatment immediately. And this in turn naturally increases the chances of recovery.

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