Brown Bear And Grizzly Bear – What Are The Differences?

There are many species of bears, but two in particular are incredibly similar and difficult to tell apart.
Brown bear and grizzly bear - what are the differences?

Both subspecies, brown bear and grizzly bear, have a lot in common that we often don’t know how to tell them apart. We will then explain the differences to you.

There are many species of bears, but two in particular are incredibly similar and difficult to tell apart. These are curiosities that enrich us as human beings. They bring us closer to the fascinating animal world.

Brown bear and grizzly bear, the differences

A little anecdote about the differences between the two species: Apparently a US Republican candidate once said that the Russian bear never dies, it just hibernates.

This statement was also reported by Russian media, to which the foreign affairs spokesman replied, “Except for the grizzly bear.”

Until then, little thought had been given to the differences between these two animals. But it was assumed that they belong to the same species and have few differences. 

But what are the differences?

Brown bear and grizzly bear: habitat

The brown bear lives in Russia, especially in forested areas, but avoids the areas to the south. It is an animal that needs the cold, so it is only native to cold regions.

The grizzly bear is a species of brown bear, but is considered an independent breed and lives in the United States, primarily in the Alaska area. But it can also be found in many national parks (such as Yellowstone).

grizzly bear

Your appearance

The first difference is in the fur, because grizzly bears have a long, grayish coat. While in brown bears it is short and brown.

Grizzlies are bigger and stronger and can weigh a ton. In comparison, brown bears are significantly smaller and weaker.

The grizzly bears are a bit clumsy, despite being very wild and described as bloodthirsty animals. However, the brown bears are more agile, calmer and weaker.

Indeed, the story of “Goldilocks” is an example of how this bear species is kept. Although some of the films in which these bears are shown can also help.

This completely contradicts the role that the brown bear plays in Russian popular culture. It is part of the national symbology of Russia and is considered loving. In fact, a brown bear was the mascot of the 1980 Olympics in Russia.

Brown bear tree

your nutrition

Although both are omnivorous, diets vary widely due to their different habitats. But they have one thing in common: They love salmon! Like all bears …

Because the brown bear is agile, it can reach fruits and berries that grow on trees, while the grizzly bear is far too clumsy.

Her tail and her legs

The tail of the grizzly bear is much shorter than that of the brown bear. We don’t know exactly how this affects the movements. But there is a clear difference that helps us to recognize which bear species we are facing.

On the other hand, the claws are different at first glance. Those of the grizzly bear are longer and sharper, while those of the brown bear are shorter. The grizzly hunts its prey and then tears it apart with its dangerous claws.

As you can see, two animals that look so much alike can be very different. You now know what to look out for to see the differences.

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