Build Your Own Terrarium For Turtles

In order to build a terrarium for turtles, it is really important to consider certain criteria such as hygiene, surface, lighting and water temperature in order to guarantee the well-being of these cold-blooded reptiles.
Build your own terrarium for turtles

Turtles are very interesting animals and ideal first pets for children. However, before we adopt one, we must first equip a terrarium for turtles.

The terrarium for turtles is one of the most important elements before adoption, as the animals will eventually spend most of the day there. You can get many in pet shops, but in our article we explain how you can build one yourself.

Material for the construction of a terrarium for turtles

You will need the following tools and elements to build your own turtle terrarium:

  • Tortum : this is a glass terrarium / aquarium that can be obtained from specialist retailers and is suitable for turtles as standard. They are usually aligned rectangular and elongated.

    Since they are suitable for both land and water turtles, care must be taken to maintain some dry areas as well. There the reptiles can sunbathe, dry off, warm up their bodies and rest.

    Homemade terrarium for turtles

    • Filters : they are essential to guarantee the water quality in the terrarium for turtles. There are different water filters for water aquariums and terrariums. We recommend that you seek advice from a specialist retailer as to which filter is attached to your terrarium.
    • Heating system : just like the filter, the heating system is an important element in maintaining the quality of life for turtles. A thermometer is also recommended to check the water temperature.

      Cold can have negative effects on the health of the turtles, while too much heat can cause algae and pathogens to multiply.

      • special turtle lamp : like all reptiles, turtles need sunlight to regulate their body temperature and to synthesize certain nutrients. Not only do you have to pay attention to the water temperature, you also have to provide a dry, well-lit corner.
      • Decoration : this not only makes the terrarium more beautiful, but also allows us to imitate its natural habitat. That keeps the animals happy and healthy. Wooden branches, stones and plants are most commonly used for this.
      • Sand for the terrarium : the sand is the bottom for your terrarium for turtles and mimics the seabed or a river bed.

        Turtle rests on tree trunk

        The construction of the terrarium for turtles: step by step

        First steps

        1. First you have to wash the tortum well so that it does not mess with dirt. We take care not to use any harsh or caustic cleaners.
        2. The best way to do this is to use lukewarm water and neutral soap. Then rinse the tortum thoroughly and let it soak again for 30 to 60 minutes in pure water.
        3. After the tortum has dried, we start installing the filter. To find the right place, we let the water come out where it is furthest away from the glass walls. This is how it circulates best in the terrarium for turtles.
        4. Then we install the heater on one of the side walls. Ideally, it doesn’t interfere with the filter system or the aesthetics of the terrarium.
        5. Then we cover the bottom with a special sand for turtle terrariums. The correct height is three to four centimeters.

        Decoration and finishing

        1. Now your creativity is asked to decorate the terrarium for turtles. We recommend a few branches that you put on the sandy soil. Then you can put a few more stones on the dry part. Your turtle can then sunbathe and dry off on it.
        2. Then comes the water (if it is a water or river turtle). Pour it in slowly or you will ruin your beautiful decoration.
        3. It should always be room temperature and slowly get to the edge of the dry zones. Of course, for the sake of the turtle’s health, we have to use clean drinking water here.
        4. Finally, we attach the lamp that should always shine in the direction of the dry zone. It must not be placed too close either, otherwise it could burn the reptile’s skin. A distance of 30 cm is ideal.

        After you have set up your terrarium for turtles, you still have to think about where in the house there is space.

        A clean and quiet room is essential as it will encourage your pet’s development. Also, remember that the animal should feel safe and stay away from the elements.

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