Can A Dog Be Vegan?

Does the vegan diet give the dog all the nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the organism?
Can a dog be vegan?

Veganism is a nutritional trend that some follow for health reasons and others to protect animals. Many who choose this way of life also want their pets to have a vegan diet. But can a  dog be vegan ?


Vegans do not eat  animal products,  which means they live far more strictly than vegetarians, who also include eggs and dairy products in their diet.

Bee honey is also taboo for vegans because it is an animal product. The main foods in veganism are therefore cereals,  rice, vegetables, fruit, pulses and dried fruits.

In this case, the diet must be very conscious in order to avoid a lack of nutrients. Proteins can be obtained from  legumes, soybeans and dried fruits. However, it is more problematic with vitamin B12, which is usually supplemented.

Dog vegan, what are the advantages?

Vegetables provide fiber and vitamins,  fruits also provide natural sugar.

Can a dog be vegan?

A dog could be a vegetarian, as certain animal products (such as eggs, butter, milk or yogurt) are allowed in this diet. But don’t forget that dogs are naturally carnivores! 

What does science say on this subject?

There are  processed foods  made from vegetable and vegetable protein that are believed to contain all of the essential nutrients for dogs.

This food is made from soybeans, potatoes, peas, minerals, vitamins and amino acids that are important for dog health. But can this type of diet actually provide all the important nutrients?

Dog vegan, what speaks against it?

What speaks against it?

Various veterinarians, doctors and scientists confirm that meat is necessary for the organism of dogs.

A study showed that out of 24 feeds examined, most did not meet the minimum requirements and that quality meat was therefore necessary to compensate for these deficiencies.

“Those who feed pets the vegan way may think it’s healthier. But that’s wrong. ” According to Freeman, a doctor involved in this study.

What are the pros?

Some dogs can develop allergies to certain types of meat and dairy products. This is why proponents believe that a vegan diet is the best solution to this problem.

Recognized veterinarians also recommend following this type of diet for about 12 weeks to see if the allergies improve.

But there is still no definitive scientific evidence on this topic. Because there are no studies with dogs that were fed vegan for a long period of time.

However, one case of two siblings is known: Both died of cancer at the same time, one being fed conventionally and the other vegan. This example shows that this type of diet is at least not harmful. 

As long as there are no clear scientific results, every dog ​​owner has to decide for himself whether his dog should be vegan or not.

However, regular veterinary check- ups should be carried out to guarantee the health of the fur nose.

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