Can You Communicate With Your Dog?

How can you make it easier for your dog to learn and get him to obey your commands? We’ll give you some valuable tips on how to communicate effectively with your dog. Read on!
Can you communicate with your dog

Of course you can communicate with your dog !  It is actually very important in educating him and teaching him commands.

One of the most common questions dog owners how to handle their dogs communicate can to train them and to get them to obey commands.

Therefore, today we want to give you some important tips for effective communication with your dog. This will also make it easier for him to learn.

How do I communicate with my dog ​​during training?

If you want to train your dog, communication is crucial. In the training sessions, you have to achieve that he can concentrate and clearly understand what you want to teach him.

Therefore, it is important that you know how to express assignments or tasks in the right words. In addition, you should definitely use non-verbal language as well. Use your body to communicate with your dog and make it easier for him to learn.

The following tips make training easier for you, but are also very useful for daily communication with your dog:

Tips for communicating effectively with your dog

How do you get your dog’s attention?

Before you start training, it is important that you get your dog’s attention. Additionally, you should make sure that he is focused. Ideally, your dog has already learned to listen to you when you call their name.

If the dog is deaf, you can lightly hit the ground to get his attention. Deaf dogs can perfectly perceive oscillations and vibrations.

If you want to train your deaf dog outdoors, you should use a vibrating collar, which only emits vibration waves and no electrical current.

Woman whispers in her dog's ear

If you need to attract a dog you haven’t seen before , you can make soft noises or use treats to get his or her attention. Then you can train him to respond to your calling.

Define a command for each task

Dogs have an amazing ability to understand the words we teach them. Keep in mind, however, that they are primarily expressing themselves through body language. Therefore, they also respond very well to your body language.

If you want to make learning easier for your dog , you should use simple, clear, and objective terms.

Every task that you want to teach your dog must be represented by a single word. Therefore, you should choose short terms that are easy to pronounce and not easily confused with other words.

Many owners also train their dogs with words in another language so as not to confuse the animal.

Use body language to communicate with your dog

During training, every command you say must be accompanied by a clear gesture that symbolizes what you are saying.

For example, the command “stay” can be accompanied by a gesture in which you extend your arm and hold your palm at the level of your dog’s face.

In addition, you should learn how to interpret your dog’s posture and reactions. So you will be able to understand him better. It is also important that you use your own body to better communicate with your four-legged friend.

Dog owner

Teach him each command individually

Often we are so amazed at our dogs’ ability to learn that we want to teach them a thousand things at the same time. This overstimulation,  however, often confuses the animal and hinders the integral assimilation of any command.

Therefore, when training your dog , it is important that you teach him only one command with the term and the gesture at a time. These tasks should be practiced individually until the dog manages to assimilate and reproduce them perfectly.

In addition, you should set aside a day of the week to repeat any commands your dog has already learned. This way your dog will not forget or mix up commands that he has already learned.

Never use force to communicate with or teach your dog anything

Possibly is your dog sometimes behave inappropriately. Especially if he’s still a puppy or you recently adopted him. He still has to get used to his new home and that takes time.

If a dog is misbehaving , you should never use force to punish him for his behavior. Loud scolding and punishing expose the animal to negative emotions such as fear and stress.

Hence, they are dangerous and ineffective if you want to train him or communicate with him. He won’t understand what you want from him.

In order to train your dog and encourage him to behave and obey you, you should positively reinforce his behavior.

When you reward him for good behavior, you encourage him to assimilate it. In addition, you improve your relationship of trust and strengthen your bond.

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