Cats’ Sense Of Smell: A Powerful Organ

Cats’ sense of smell is vital to animals. It is 14 times stronger than that of humans.
Cats' sense of smell: a powerful organ

If you share your life with a pet, you have probably already noticed that they have to sniff everything because this is the only way they can understand their surroundings. A cat’s sense of smell is very important, which is why you should read up on this topic.

How does a cat’s sense of smell work?

You may find this difficult to believe, but a  cat’s sense of smell  is 14 times stronger than that of a human. This is due on the one hand to the fact that their nose is proportionally larger than ours and on the other hand because it is also much better developed.

The cat’s sense of smell is a vital organ for our house tigers. Much of their survival depends on him. They sniff to identify food, family, dangers, territory, partners and more.

Cats have approximately 12 million cells in their nasal cavities and what is known as Jacobson’s organ on their upper palate. Have you ever watched your velvet paw sniff with its mouth open?

The kitty doesn’t smile, but does so in order to transport all the aroma molecules to this highly sensitive organ. This act is also called “pleading”.

Not only that, but the cats’ brains are also geared to identify smells and then use that information in everyday life.

Like other animals and even humans, cats store memories of which smells are pleasant and which are repulsive in order to approach each other or perhaps better to turn around.

Cat lies in wait

What is the purpose of a cat’s sense of smell?

As we have already learned, cats’ sense of smell is fundamental in their lives as it determines in many ways what they do or not do. The animal is mainly used for this in the following:

1. Recognize feed

Kittens are blind when they are born, but they still need to feed until their vision develops. They find their mother by means of their sense of smell and thanks to it they can attach themselves to the mammary glands.

As soon as they open their eyes, cats use their sense of smell to find out which food they can enjoy and which they are better off avoiding. You can also find food in hidden places.

2. Meet other cats

Queens secrete a special pheromone during the mating season. Hangovers can smell this “perfume” from far away. In addition, cats’ sense of smell enables them to find their fellow cats at any time and to know whether they are hostile or friendly.

3. Territory creation

Hangovers mark their territory with urine. They spray hormones into the air and warn other hangovers that it is better not to linger here.

If the smell disappears because it is raining, windy or an annoying person may have cleaned, they simply spray their urine again through their territory.

Nose of a cat

4. Cats’ sense of smell warns them of danger

A cat also uses its sense of smell if it suspects that something is wrong with its environment. How does this work? She opens her nostrils, puts up her whiskers, and lifts her ears.

In this way she finds out whether a dog is approaching, a person who does not like animals, a poisonous substance or something similar.

5. Recognize the (human) family

If you live with a cat, you have probably noticed that it rubs its head against your legs or hands.

She doesn’t do this out of kindness, but to give off her scent to you. It is the same with objects that she considers to be her personal property.

Cats’ sense of smell is vital to these creatures, so we advise you to protect them. Do not use harsh cleaning agents and do not let the house tigers outside in the midday heat. This will keep your nose in perfect condition!

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