Cavoodle: A Strange Breed Of Dog

Do you know the Cavoodle? Here we introduce him. It is a small designer dog that looks like a stuffed animal, it does not bark and makes an excellent companion.
Cavoodle: a peculiar breed of dog

What does the perfect dog look like for you? Imagine a furry little plush toy that looks unchanged young in its expected 20 years of life. Would you also like that it doesn’t bark, is a friendly companion and doesn’t cause allergies? This is exactly how the Cavoodle, a “designer dog ” is only recently created by man.

Is it necessary to create new breeds of dogs?

Aside from how adorable these pooches are, one still has to wonder if there is really a need to create new breeds,  considering how many abandoned dogs in the world are seeking homes.

The answer to this is that it is obviously a good business. The price of the Cavoodle initially ranged from $2,000 to $3,500. Later, when the demand decreases, the value also decreases, but then the breeders have already made good profits.

On the other hand, it is human habit to manipulate everything, including living things. And so, towards the end of the first decade of this century, this magnificent dog specimen was created. It is a cross between:

  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Miniature poodle
  • Bichon Frize

Learn more about the Cavoodle

The idea of ​​creating a breed with an eternal puppy look that everyone will instantly find cute came from breeders Linda and Steve Rogers from Arizona (USA).

Through the intervention of a geneticist and for-profit veterinarian, the triple cross has created the Cavoodle, which, despite increasing age, does not lose the appearance of a playful puppy.

At the same time, they achieved two things that are important to many. The animal does not bark and it is also hypoallergenic.

Hopefully no one will be fooled by all of these features. It is a living being, not a toy.

More details about this peculiar designer dog

The Cavoodle has the following physical characteristics:

  • broad face
  • short nose
  • rounded ears
  • round head
  • strong and well proportioned body
  • different colors (cinnamon brown, brown, beige, etc.)
  • Frizzy or curly fur
  • between 4.5 and 7 kg weight

As for its character, it must be emphasized that it is a very playful but calm animal. Dogs of this breed get along well with other dogs and even with other pets.

Smart, personable and cuddly, he also seems to achieve good results as a therapy dog. Since it only loses a small amount of hair, it is well suited to visiting sick people in hospitals and nursing homes.

This human addiction to manipulation

Another benefit that breeders of these designer animals wanted to achieve is the ease with which this breed is cared for. Cavoodles just need the same level of care that a “normal” dog needs. In addition , it has been achieved that they are strong and healthy dogs. This is expressed by the fact that they do not have any genetic defects and are also not prone to developing certain types of diseases.

With all this information, it’s almost fair to say that the Cavoodle is the perfect pet, a little stuffed animal-like creature, friendly and playful. Given the short time since their creation, it is too early to say if these pooches are as healthy and long-lived as their breeders promise.

In any case, this new designer breed has not yet been recognized by any dog ​​association. Even so, it is unlikely to affect those who fall in love with its adorable looks and are ready to spend a huge sum.

What do you think of that? Would you buy a dog with these characteristics? Remember, there is always the option to adopt a great home-looking dog from one of the many animal shelters. And who says you won’t find a Cavoodle there too. Some people have a bloody habit of using and throwing away things and living things, including dogs.

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