Chlorella For Dogs: 3 Main Benefits

Chlorella is a unicellular alga that is very popular as a food supplement for humans and pets.
Chlorella for Dogs: 3 Main Benefits

Chlorella is a green, unicellular algae that is widely used as a food supplement. It is a microscopic alga with a very intense, green color that is produced by its photosynthetic pigments.

For dogs, as well as humans and other pets, chlorella has many nutritional benefits.

Chlorella is sold in capsules as a food supplement. This small alga contains a high proportion of proteins, essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins … nowadays it is considered a so-called superfood and its detoxifying effect is also increasingly recognized.

Here are some of the benefits of Chlorella for dogs:

1. Improved immune system

The components of this alga strengthen the body’s defenses against pathogens. These include viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Their effectiveness has also been proven when it comes to absorbing nutrients and improving gastrointestinal health.

Due to its high content of natural antioxidants, it also slows down cell aging.

A healthy and happy dog ​​is lying in a meadow with his ball

2. Healthier and shiny fur and skin

Certain vitamins are necessary for a healthy coat and skin. This alga contains a good dose of vitamin A, vitamin C and minerals that support both the skin and the coat.

The species Chlorella vulgaris also helps synthesize collagen. This is essential for the growth of new fur and the regeneration of the skin. For these reasons, it is highly recommended for skin problems such as dermatitis.

Black dog with a beautiful coat thanks to Chlorella

3. Purification: Chlorella eliminates toxins from the blood

Their effectiveness also includes the ability to help the body eliminate toxins. These include, for example, heavy metals such as lead, cadmium or mercury, which accumulate in the liver, kidneys, intestines and blood.

The chlorella bonds with these metals and then eliminates them from the body. This is a process known as metal chelation.

This effect also makes them an ally against infertility, as the heavy metal exposure from diet often influences fertility. This includes, for example, the quality of the sperm in males.

A beagle and his beloved pet bowl

What does chlorella for dogs contain?

This alga contains essential amino acids, a high concentration and variety of vitamins A, B, C and also minerals, which include iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

It also has a high chlorophyll content, which is higher than that of many other unicellular algae.

Chlorophyll also supports the detoxification of the body and acts against bad breath. This is why the substance is found in many toothpastes and dental health snacks for dogs. It is also found in vegetables and fruits.

Because of all of these nutrients, it is considered a rich source of proteins, minerals, and vitamins that are ideal as a supplement to dog nutrition. Many treats these days even contain the algae.

If we deal with the composition of the food that we offer our furry friend, then we actually already know whether it is a high-quality dog ​​food that is suitable for all stages of life of the four-legged friend, or whether we should perhaps add a supplement .

Where can I get Chlorella for dogs?

These and other types of algae are compressed or sold as a dry powder. The dose is based on the concentration and weight of the fur nose. As with other additives, we should first consult the veterinarian before feeding it to the dog.

Poisoning from an overdose of algae is very rare, but of course we should exercise caution.

Algae are often used in animal nutrition. Chlorella, Spirulina and Dunaliella are sold as supplementary feeds for cats, dogs, aquarium fish, pet birds, horses, cows and breeding animals.

You can often buy supplements that combine these types of algae in pet shops.

These algae also have the same benefits for humans. Vegans and vegetarians consume them because of their protein and vitamin B12 content, which is necessary for digesting food.

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