Clean House – Despite Having Pets!

A clean house despite having a pet is not that easy, because it’s not just about removing dog or cat hair. Various hygiene measures are also essential in order to feel good and stay healthy. In addition, bad smells must be avoided! 
Clean house - despite having pets!

When a pet or several pets are present, there is often a typical odor, which can be unpleasant if one does not take appropriate hygiene measures. Despite regular cleaning, this odor can persist. With today’s tips, however, you can still have a clean house  that is free from unpleasant odors, despite having pets  . 

Tips for a clean house with animals

The right place for the pets

If you value a  clean house , you should assign your pets a place to sleep that  you clean  regularly. The dog or cat bed should be easy to wash!

clean house despite dog

If the floor allows, it is advisable  to use a disinfectant when cleaning, which at the same time removes bad odors. It is best not to put the food and drink bowl in the kitchen to prevent unpleasant odors and clean it daily.

Bath your pet regularly!

Some believe that a pet should only be bathed once a month, but  many experts confirm that it can easily take a bath every two weeks.

clean house despite dog that has to be bathed

You can remove unpleasant smells from the fur and use  a special perfume so that your pet smells good. In the bathroom, you can also remove loose hair, which then no longer spreads around the house.

Choose the decoration carefully

If there are pets, the decorative objects and furniture should be easy to clean. Carpets or other items can make this task more difficult, it  will take you longer to clean, and it will be harder to remove bad smells or dirt.

Pets can limit the choice of items to decorate your home,  but there are also easy-wash carpets and other beautiful items that are quick to clean. 

Brush your dog or cat daily

Even if your pet does not appear to be losing hair, you should brush them daily. Not only does this keep the coat healthy and shiny,  you can also remove a lot of hair that you would otherwise find all over the house. This will make it easier for you to achieve a clean house.

Wash the animal bed

Not all dog beds have removable covers or can be put in the washing machine as a whole. Make sure you do your research well before you buy it so that cleaning is as easy as possible.

Use protective covers

If you allow your pet to jump on the sofa, it is best to protect it with a slip cover or blanket  that you can wash regularly  to prevent dirt and unpleasant odors.

clean house despite cat

It’s easier than always brushing the sofa or taking the pillows to the dry cleaner. You can simply wash the blanket or cover in the washing machine and keep your house clean.

Good ventilation!

Regular ventilation is also essential to dispel unpleasant odors and let in fresh air. Daily burst ventilation is recommended in winter, and windows can be left open longer in summer.

In particular, thoroughly ventilate the room where your pet or pets are.

You can have a clean house despite having pets. Follow these tips and no one will see or smell that you have pets!

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