Cleaning Cat Eyes: Tips And Advice

If there is one part of our velvet paws that needs special care, it is their eyes. You need them all the time. If there is a lack of hygiene, illnesses can arise.
Cleaning cat eyes: tips and advice

Cats are among the cleanest animals on our planet. Some of them wash with their tongues for three hours or more. You can take care of almost your entire body on your own, but cleaning the cat’s eyes is your job.

It is the most sensitive part of our velvet paws. You should also know that their vision is six to eight times better than ours. Therefore, the care of the cat’s eyes is  really very important.

Why do you have to clean cat eyes?

Cats can suffer from various diseases. Often they get sick with their eyes. When it comes down to the flu or an infection  , the disease is often reflected in the eyes.

Therefore, it is essential that we take sufficient care of the cat’s eyes. After all, the animals need their eyes every day. If you also consider that cats are often nocturnal, you quickly notice how dependent the animals are on this highly developed body part.

The noble Nebelung cat

So it is vital for our velvet paws to be able to trust their point of view. A wrong step or jump can hurt you very badly.

In the following, we will therefore give you a few tips and advice on how to properly clean cat eyes. We would also advise you to see a veterinarian immediately if you notice any infection or other problems.

How to clean cat eyes

All of the following methods will require a few items that will  be both yours and the cat’s safety:  A towel that you wrap the cat in to keep the cat from running away. That being said, you’ll need water, cotton, and a cloth.

First method

This is about cleaning up sleep and other foreign objects that  may be near the cat’s eyes.

To do this, we need a little  distilled water, a cotton bandage, a lot of patience and possibly also a little pain tolerance.

  1.  First, wrap your cat securely in a towel. She can’t leave like this. Put one hand on her head and gently hold her body so she stays with you.
  2. Then gently rub the dampened cotton pad over her eyelids.  Try to remove any sleep or debris. Be extra careful not to touch their eyes, as this could irritate them and cause pain.
  3. Cleanse each eye individually.  Never use the same cloth on both eyes, or you could infect a healthy eye.
  4. When the cleaning is done, dry both eyes with another cloth.

Not all kitties like to bathe

Second method

The health benefits of black and green tea for our organism are well known. We can also use them for our kitties. In the following, we will tell you a natural recipe that will help you clean cat eyes.

  1. As with the first method, you should first wrap the animal in a towel so that it cannot escape you. Some cats are easier to hold onto than others. Of course, this makes cleaning a lot easier.
  2. Now use lukewarm tea bags on your cat’s eyelids for 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Then clean the edges of the cat’s eyes  with a cotton cloth that does not leave any lint. Again, be careful not to touch the eyes so as not to injure the animal.
  4. You can leave the liquid from the tea bags on the lids.  If you don’t think that’s necessary, you can dry them off as well.

So, these are two different ways to gently cleanse cat eyes. If you think your cat has any more symptoms or crusts are forming, it is better to take her to the vet right away. He then determines what is missing from your animal.

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