Discover Why Cats Love Boxes

Cats feel more comfortable in reduced rooms. Studies have found that kitties who can hide are better around people and other pets. It also helps them to keep their body temperature stable in both summer and winter
Discover why cats love boxes

Your cat may have spurned expensive toys that you got for her. Instead, she prefers to hide in a box that you brought from the supermarket. In today’s article, we’ll look at why cats love crates.

Why cats love boxes: The feline character and box

Cats are animals that have a great need to control their entire environment. 

This means that they may feel stressed and even display self-destructive behavior in new situations or those they don’t understand.

There are many studies exploring cat behavior and strange habits. Many came to the conclusion that cats feel more comfortable in reduced or enclosed spaces.

The behavioral scientist Claudia Vinke from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands was  working on a special study. She wanted to research how to calm cats in the shelter.

Cat looks curiously out of the box

She found that the cats with the crates were less stressed than those who had to do without them. 
The cats that were provided with boxes got used to their new surroundings more quickly and showed more interaction with their keepers.

Why Cats Love Crates: How To Isolate Themselves From The World

Various studies have also concluded that cats are animals that are not good at handling conflict.

When faced with an uncomfortable situation, they prefer to flee and hide.

Cats love boxes because they give them temporary shelter.  There they calm down and reconsider their situation.

Why cats love boxes

 While this reaction is perfectly normal, it can also be a sign that your cat is not getting used to the new environment well. 
She may be reacting to something that is causing her stress.

Why cats love boxes: They help regulate body temperature

A cat’s body temperature varies between 38 and 39ÂșC. So it is higher than the human one.  Cats love fresh places to isolate themselves.

That’s why you can sometimes find them in the bathtub, the washbasin or even in the closet .

A crate can help cats regulate their body temperature in the summer.  There they can isolate themselves a little to survive the unbearably hot summer afternoons.

In winter  just the opposite is the case. The cat can maintain its body temperature in the crate. There it rolls up and of course it will warm up faster.

The animal world is full of puzzles that not even the best scientists ever understand. However, we hope that with our article we explained to you why cats love crates.

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