Do You Know How To Give Your Dog A Massage?

You can pamper your four-legged friend with a massage. He loves that and it’s good for him. 
Do you know how to give your dog a massage?

Dogs give back in excess every minute spent on them without asking for anything. You can pamper your four-legged friend with a massage . He loves that and it’s good for him.

Then you will find various tips that  can be very helpful.

Why you should give your dog a massage

Why you should give your dog a massage

Not only you, your dog will enjoy a relaxing massage as well, as it has various physical and emotional benefits.

The main benefits of a dog massage are:

  • Improves circulation. The massage dilates the blood vessels and allows the blood to flow better. This is a great way to improve your dog’s cardiovascular health.
  • Reduces anxiety and stress. Dogs go through various situations in which they are stressed or fearful. For example, boredom and lack of exercise.
  • Recognize diseases. Sometimes you may notice a swelling, puncture, or other sign of illness during a massage.
  • During a massage, the body releases the hormone oxytocin.  This hormone, also known as the love or happiness hormone, strengthens the bond with your dog and makes him happy.
  • Friendship becomes more intimate,  coexistence improves. Your dog will reward you for the valuable time you give him!

How is the massage performed?

Then we will explain to you how a massage is performed correctly. Follow these simple steps:

  • Relaxation: Find a comfortable place for your dog to relax. The temperature should be comfortable. Start by scratching your dog,  you probably know the places where he especially loves it.
  • Start at the neck. Gently massage your dog’s neck using circular motions.
  • Then you continue with the shoulders, the dog should lie quietly and relax.
  • Slide from the shoulders to the rib cage and on to the back legs.
  • Then return to the back and finish the massage on the front legs. If your dog doesn’t like people touching his tail, respect that.
  • If he falls asleep during or after the massage, don’t wake him up, let him enjoy it.

Benefits of massage in specific places

Benefits of massage in specific places

Various studies suggest that each part of a dog’s body that is massaged has certain physical and emotional benefits:

  • Head:  The head scratching calms the nervous system and the stomach. 
  • Ears: You can relieve your dog of stress and anxiety.
  • Back: Restless and hyperactive dogs in particular benefit from a back massage.
  • Belly: Here digestive problems can be alleviated.
  • Paws: With a massage of the paws you can care for the joints and prevent infections.
  • Chest: Promotes heart function and prevents heart disease.
  • Legs: This can be used to increase your dog’s general well-being and self-confidence.
  • Hind paws: In this area, massages improve flexibility and mobility.

Don’t forget to massage your dog, he will be grateful to you and coexistence will improve.

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