Does The Goldfish Need A Large Tank?

The tank for a goldfish must be large enough so that it is comfortable and can develop well. Learn more about this topic.
Does the goldfish need a large tank?

The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a species that is often doomed to great suffering. This is due to the unpleasant dissemination of false opinions and lack of information about his care.

Indeed, the goldfish is a very sociable creature with a strong character that often displays interesting behaviors. Today we’re going to talk about what the ideal tank size for your fish should be.

How do you calculate the tank size for goldfish?

One hears again and again that 100 liters of water is the minimum volume for a goldfish. In addition, certain amounts of water are added for each additional fish.

However, this amount is not enough for a single fish, and the dimensions of the tank are insufficient. The average size of a 100 liter basin is about 90 x 35 x 30 centimeters.

In reality, the “six times length” rule is appropriate for a goldfish. This ratio gives him enough space and an adequate amount of water.

It is important to note that the size to consider is the maximum that the adult fish can reach. It’s not about the size of the fry on the day you buy it.


Difference between the common goldfish and the veil tail

Different tank sizes are often given for common goldfish and veil-tailed goldfish. The common goldfish has a single caudal fin and an elongated body shape.

The veil-tailed goldfish comes from a line bred to develop certain body shapes and usually has a double caudal fin. He is distinguished by a wide variety of physical characteristics, including the overgrowth of the head and large eyes. Usually their body shape is rounder and more compact.

Adult size of the fish

A fully developed fantasy goldfish can easily reach 30 centimeters in length and 30 centimeters in width, including its fins and tail. The adult fish weigh about half a kilogram.

Species with shorter fins may have a shorter overall length, but they still have large and voluminous bodies. If you take this size into account, you can already see that a 100-liter tank measuring 90 x 35 x 30 centimeters is just enough for a full-grown goldfish to turn.

The common goldfish can reach even larger dimensions: at least 30 centimeters, but often longer.

Goldfish in the aquarium

Why is the size of the pool so important?

Let’s look at some of the points to consider when choosing a tank size for goldfish:

Swimming qualities

The veil-tailed goldfish usually have limited swimming abilities.

Due to the genetic changes, they have long fins, round bodies, a disproportionately large head growth, poor eyesight (“googly eyes!”) And a compact body shape that does not allow them to swim properly.

Since they are not very agile, they need a large turning circle with plenty of room to maneuver. Even if they are not fast swimmers, they need a lot of space to navigate; the common goldfish is more agile and faster than the veil tail.


The exchange of gases takes place on the surface of the water. The larger the surface, the easier it is for oxygen to penetrate the water and for carbon dioxide to escape. This is important for goldfish as they need high levels of oxygen in the water and a large surface area is better.

Many goldfish have breathing problems because their gills are not very well developed. It is therefore very important that you have an oxygen-rich pool.

Biological pollution from the goldfish

The rule is: the bigger the fish, the more waste it produces. The litter excreted by fish is known as “bio-pollution”. A fish with a high bio-pollution needs a large amount of water and large filters to reduce waste.

Life expectancy

The common or simple-tailed goldfish have a life expectancy of over 25 years. In contrast, elegant species should reach at least 10 to 15 years. Spending two decades in too small an area where there is no variety will not be a very pleasant experience.

For this reason , the pool must be large enough to enrich the environment (decorations to play with, plants to swim and eat) so that the fish have something to do and be entertained for many years.

What tank size does the goldfish need?

For fantasy species, a minimum size of 120 x 50 x 50 cm is required, while for common species the basin should not be smaller than 200 x 60 x 60 centimeters. Ideally, common goldfish should be kept in large ponds outdoors rather than in aquariums.

This will give them an adequate amount of water. There is enough room for proper maneuvering, room for decorations, they can have companions and exhibit a greater variety of goldfish behavior. In addition, they are not stressed, neither restricted nor alone.

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