Dog Psychology: Everything You Need To Know

Thanks to dog psychology, we can better understand the reasons for our fur-noses’ behavior. This makes it easier for people to be educated and also benefits the animal as it becomes more balanced.
Dog psychology: everything you need to know

It’s not about dragging your four-legged friend to therapy, but thanks to dog psychology you can learn to understand him better.

The dog psychology is very useful if we want to educate our Fellnase right. So find out more about this topic in our article.

What is dog psychology?

This type of psychology is extremely important in training our dogs. One pays attention to the thoughts and behavior of the dog in order to educate them and avoid typical problem behavior.

First you have to understand that the dog is descended from the wolf. That is why they live in packs, in which there is some sort of hierarchy.

In this case the reference person is the dominant alpha, or in the case of women the beta wolf. The animal is subordinate to him or her, which is why it obeys his or her orders.

If this is not the case, and the dog exceeds the limits set by his reference person, then his behavior becomes unbalanced and so-called problem behavior occurs, which can also include aggressiveness.

If you pay attention to dog psychology, you will understand why it is necessary to set certain limits for your pet that cannot be changed.

In order to fulfill this obligation, however, you must not resort to human thought and psychology. Therefore , you shouldn’t treat a dog like a child or a baby.

When do you use dog psychology?

Dog psychology should be applied from puppy age – or when the dog comes into our lives. In both cases the animal seeks the protection of humans as if he were his mother or his pack leader.

Dog and human get along well

This stage is very important in a dog’s life. If you don’t teach him how to live in a pack and in relation to alpha males / beta females, behavior problems can arise later.

It takes a balance between affection and discipline for your dog to listen to you.

Don’t worry if your dog doesn’t always listen to you perfectly, but seek help if he completely ignores your commands.

Perhaps it is not the fur nose, but you, because you do not understand the needs of the animal and dog psychology.

Techniques for using canine psychology

If a dog is trained according to canine psychology guidelines, it is very likely that it will behave well for a lifetime. However, it is possible at any point in time to get the animal to recognize your “authority”.

For a perfect coexistence with your dog, we would like to give you the following advice:

1. Don’t allow him to dominate you

If you are playing at home with your new pup, they may want to pounce on you. Don’t let this happen though, because it’s a sign that he wants to dominate you.

If it happens anyway, take him off you and gently lay him on his back on the floor. So he understands who the “master of the house” is.

2. He is only allowed to play with his toys

Dogs sometimes get hold of objects from their caregivers if they are bored or if they want to play a prank on us. However, this can also be another sign of dominance.

Give him his own toy to play with when he feels like it. If he reaches for your objects, then give him a clear “No” to understand that this is not allowed.

3. Rewards and pats when he deserves it

It’s not about being cold as stone and not giving the animal any attention, but we mustn’t overdo it with the pats, treats and kisses. The dog needs to understand that he needs to earn his rewards.

If he listens to one of your commands, there is a reward.

A treat for the fur nose

4. Allow him contact with other dogs

Another formula of dog psychology is: ” A sociable dog is a healthy dog “. The contact with other animals – inside or outside the house – is important for his emotional balance. This is because dogs need to know that they are being accompanied.

Know that a lack of socialization leads to disobedience and behavior problems.

According to canine psychology, spending time with our animals is very important. Take a little time every day to play with him, to feed him appropriately and thus strengthen your bond with each other on a daily basis .

Then your fur nose is sure to behave tip-top.

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