Dog Toys For Dental Care

These accessories prevent food residues from collecting between the teeth and gums, which can lead to gum inflammation. At the same time, however, they also mean entertainment and mental stimulation for our fur noses. They can help alleviate separation anxiety.
Dog toys for dental care

Nowadays, mouth care is part of basic pet grooming. Daily toothbrushing is recommended, but some dogs find it difficult to put up with it. That is why there are now various treats and dog toys for dental care.

In the following article we report on why dental care is so important for the health of our fur noses. We would also like to introduce you to some bones and dog toys for dental care . You can prevent plaque and gum diseases.

The risks of poor dental hygiene

If we do not give them adequate mouth care, food residues can stick to the animals’ teeth and gums. These are nourishment for the bacteria that were already in the mouth anyway.

If they eat well, the bacteria reproduce faster and so-called dental plaque occurs.

Contact with saliva creates a reaction between the minerals, bacteria and tooth enamel. The result of this reaction is tartar that adheres firmly to the teeth. This allows the bacteria to continue to multiply and spread under the gums.

If the bacteria progress under the gums, it results in gum inflammation. If they are not treated in time, the bacteria damage the tissue and bone mass.

This leads to periodontitis, in which there are several progressive inflammations.

Dental plaque in dogs

Tips for Proper Dental Care in Dogs

To prevent tartar build-up and disease, it is important to regularly care for the teeth and gums of our furry friends.

The traditional and highly recommended way is carried out with the classic brushing with special products that are available from the veterinarian.

You can also buy toothbrushes and toothpaste for dogs and cats in pet shops. Under no circumstances should you use products that are made for people. Their high levels of chemicals can damage dogs’ tooth structure and their health.

But if your dog is reluctant to brush their teeth, there are other ways to maintain their oral hygiene. There are spray toothpaste, dog mouthwash, and even dental feed. The latter can only be offered to adult animals.

Below we take a closer look at the different bones and dog toys used for dental care.

Bones for dental care

Bones for dogs are actually a classic, but not everyone knows that they help with dental care. However, we should take some preventive measures before we offer the bones to our furry friend.

Natural bones should always be offered raw, never cooked. Cooked bones can splinter and injure the animal’s digestive tract.

These bones can also cause esophageal inflammation. It’s a very complicated disease. It is better to give easily digestible bones, such as those from rabbits or pigs.

Bones for dogs

But we can also offer preformed skin bones. They are 100% edible. However, you shouldn’t give too much of it to the furry friends, a maximum of three bones a week. Too much bone or skin can affect digestion in your four-legged friend.

Dog toys for dental care

A large selection of dog toys for dental care can be found in pet shops. There are plastic bones, balls, cubes, and even fairly stylized geometric figures.

This toy is specially created to support dental care. Their goal is to prevent food residues from sticking to the animal’s teeth and gums.

These are important health benefits for our pets. They also mean a moment of play and entertainment for the four-legged friends.

The dog toy for dental care that the animals can get treats from is also great. These accessories work similarly to Kong. This is a safe toy designed to stimulate the intelligence of the fur-noses.

These items also help the four-legged friends relieve separation anxiety and improve their eating habits. This is especially true for dogs that gobble up everything.

It is always best to consult the veterinarian about the animal’s oral health. He then also provides information about which method is best suited for dental care.

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