Dogs With Arthritis: Tips For An Ideal Diet

Dogs with arthritis need special care to relieve the pain. Did you know that diet can also be helpful? Learn more about the topic.
Dogs With Arthritis: Tips For An Ideal Diet

Just like humans, your dog will experience pain as it ages. The joints are particularly sensitive and it is becoming increasingly common for dogs to be diagnosed with arthritis.

Diet is one of the factors that need to be controlled. That’s why we’re giving you some guidelines in this article.

Arthritis in dogs

It is estimated that around one in five dogs suffers from arthritis. Although this joint disorder can occur at any age, older dogs are most likely to be affected by it.

In general, arthritis is a degenerative disease that causes inflammation of the joints in both the elbows and knees.

Some symptoms dogs with arthritis have include:

  • Difficulty sitting down or standing up
  • Stiff legs
  • Signs of pain or wailing when touching the affected areas
  • Reluctance to climb stairs or other obstacles

Dogs with arthritis

Dogs with arthritis require special care. Since it is a degenerative disease, the best treatment is palliative care, which relieves pain and delays the progression of the disease.

In terms of quality of life, orthopedic beds or joint protectors are helpful. But did you know that diet can also have a very positive effect?

The importance of diet

If you want to help your dog live as bearable as possible, it makes sense to change the usual diet and add some beneficial nutritional supplements.

One of the most effective components in the fight against arthritis is collagen, perhaps the most important substance in maintaining joint mobility.

Collagen is a part of the cartilage that is responsible for cushioning the joints. Therefore , adding cartilage and collagen to your pet’s diet is very beneficial.

If you don’t know exactly where to find this extra cartilage, you should know that bones contain a lot of it. Therefore, you can occasionally include them in your dog’s diet.

Dog with chew bone

As for collagen, there are supplements that are specifically designed to improve its absorption and synthesis. There are a number of high protein foods, such as fish and meat, that can help your dog synthesize collagen naturally.

As an additional measure, adding a reasonable amount of omega-3s can help your furry friend cope with the inflammation caused by the disease. Coconut or krill oil contains a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Dogs with Arthritis: Diet and Exercise

Aside from diet changes, it is important to remember that being overweight is harmful to the joints. Because the heavier your dog is, the more work his joints have to do to support him.

This is why avoiding obesity is one of the most important issues in dogs with arthritis. You need to ensure that your dog receives a balanced diet with high-quality ingredients, the amounts listed should be appropriate for his age and weight.

Exercise can also help your pet. In this case , exercise should be moderate but constant as it will help strengthen his joints and prevent your dog from getting too fat. Daily walks or swimming are two of the most effective exercises for dogs with arthritis.

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