Explanations For Six Strange Behaviors In Cats

Understanding cats makes it easier to live with them. Sometimes, however, the symptoms are pathological and should be checked by the vet.
Explanations for six strange behaviors in cats

Cats have always been mysterious beings to us and sometimes we just don’t seem to understand them. So today we ‘re talking about strange behaviors in cats so that you can put yourself in the shoes of your velvet paw.

What are the strangest behaviors in cats?

Sometimes our cats just seem weird to us. It is very difficult for us to understand the strange behaviors in cats. That is why we would like to explain a few background information to you today so that you can better understand the “cat language”.

Rub on another cat

Your cat may rub against another, even if it’s the first time they meet. This is their way of saying, “Nice to meet you”. Thanks to their olfactory glands, which are located in their face, they can get to know each other better.

They also do this when you get home, by the way. However, because they don’t get to your face, they just rub against your leg.

Run like crazy

It must have happened to you before. You are sitting very quietly on the sofa and suddenly you see your cat running across the room as if stung by a tarantula.

It may be that she has too much energy to get rid of from her body. That is their way of doing this. Incidentally, this happens more often in young animals.

However, it could also be due to a flea bite or a sting from another parasite. However, if your cat exhibits this behavior too often, it may be better to see a veterinarian.

There is also feline hyperesthesia. It’s a kind of obsessive-compulsive disease that needs treatment.

Lick our head

We don’t understand why, but every time our velvet paws can reach our head, she starts licking our hair. Why?

It has to do with her memory of early childhood and how her mother cleaned her.

Cat licks the human face

Based on this memory, they do the same with other cats. They want to express their love and family affiliation with it. The same thing your cat wants to tell you when she licks your hair.

Hide limbs

When cats lie on the floor, they often hide their limbs under their bodies. They do this to snuggle up and reach the ideal body temperature. It’s kind of like crossing our arms to feel less cold.

Throw the cat litter out of the box

You’ve probably wondered what that is about. This is nothing more than a habit, just like dogs turning on their own bodies a few times before going about their business.

Nibble on house plants

Cat nibbles on houseplant

For lovers of house plants, it is not at all amusing when the velvet paws eat their green roommates. What is that supposed to mean? They don’t do this to destroy the plants. They just find her attractive and that is how they approach each other.

Be careful, however, as many house plants are poisonous to cats. So be more careful which plants you grow at home and, if possible, provide them with some cat grass. That’s really good for her.

These are some of the strangest and most common behaviors in cats. Knowing them will help you understand your cat better. That shows up positively in your relationship with one another !

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